
Sunday 25 November 2018

Motivation - champion

☆ Good people are good are good because they have come to #wisdom through #failure. - William Soroyan
☆ We get very little wisdom from #success. - William Soroyan
☆ Being #champion means thinking like a champion.
☆ #Winners win because they #visualise #rewards of success, losers lose because they visualise #penalties of failure.
☆ #Coaches watch the champion's game and give #tips and #guidance in small matters to have great achievement.
☆ A champion is not a know-all, he too #learns through #mistakes.
☆ #Encouragement is vital when you set out on the path towards becoming a natural  #born_winner.
☆ To win, it is necessary to put into the mind #positive images, positive expressions and positive statements that relate to #success.
☆ When we run into difficulties,  we should recall past successes and not past failures and hold on to those success memories for a long time.
☆ A #hero is someone who does something which normally he is #afraid to do.
☆ The #peculiarity of a hero is that he is #ordinary but he does things which are #extraordinary.

Motivation - change

☆ You are not given a wish without also being given the #power to make it true. - Richard Bach
☆ Our #friend and foe lie within ourselves in the form of #virtues and vices
☆ If you want brief #happiness grow grains, if you want a decade of happiness grow #trees, if you want permanent happiness grow people.
☆ Never kill a fly on your #forehead with an #axe. - #Chinese proveb.
☆ If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.
☆ Our thinking #habit determines our #future and the future determines our state of mind
☆ Our #subconscious mind cannot distinguish fact from fiction and will continually seek to #reinforce whatever image we have about ourselves.
☆ The main reason of any #failure in life is resistant to change which happens all the time.
☆ Change is a #constant factor and we have to go with the flow.
☆ It is true when change occurs it creates new responsibilities and expectations which creates anxiety.

Motivation - thinking habit

Here is another blog with some #motivational quotes. I am adding some #affirmations for you  also. Kindly share this with all your #social_media.
☆ We have to decide ourselves to be #happy or unhapy and that will certainly happen.
☆ You should be clear with your #vision and #goals.
Here you can affirm yourself - I am clear with my values and vision. Accordingly I have set my goals.
☆ You have to decide between your alternatives and work in that direction.
For this you may face a huge #confusion which may cause the wrong decision. To keep your confused condition in control here is another affirmation for you - I am able to choose better alternative and I make firm decisions.
☆The word  #NO is one of the most #powerful words because we can reject things of low value.
☆ Your most #precious #resource is your ability to think, choose, decide and #act.
☆ The very best proof that somrthing can be done is the fact that others have already done it. - Bertrand Russell
☆ Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects.
☆ We can #change life because we can change the way we think.
☆ Predominant quality of #successful people is #optimism.
If you are not optimistic just repeat in mind - I am optimistic. Repeating an #affirmative_sentence definitely change your life.
☆ We greatly #overestimate what we can do in a year and #underestimate what is possible for us in five years.
Here are some thoughts regarding our thinking process along with some affirmations in bold.
If you know somebody having continued negative thoughts then just share it. It may change the way of thinking.
If you have used some affirmations in your life to change your situations and thoughts then kindly comment them below - because if you can do anybody can do and live a nice life.
Thanks for reading. Kindly share.

Motivation - rules

In #childhood there was a whole bunch of #rules one have to live with. If your childhood #memories are full of rules, then this article is only for you to rethink about the #pains and #gains due to the rules. Read this #article till the end and #share with all your social media.
☆ Rules are only to enable you to do, #excel and #achieve something which is normally you can not do.
☆ The #great_people dump the rules and make their #own_rules taking care to see that others are not #hurt when they make #progress in #life.
☆ No matter what comes along, no matter what the #odds and #challenges are, you have to follow rules (inherited or self made) and that person is called an achiever.
Here is a #bonus #affirmative sentence for you if you are having any problems in following the rules -
I want to be achiever hence I am following the rules happily in any condition.
☆ One thing separates #winners from #losers is that the winner stood up for winning and stuck it out, no matter how #tough, no matter how long.
☆ Winners refused to quit but would dig in, like the valient #soldier.
Again here you can affirm yourself for winning -
I can do it and I will complete it.
☆A #champion feels the fire in his belly and does something about it. Means the champions fill about the higher energy within them and know what to do with it.
☆ Like train tracks, directives are the #pathways upon which #results are carried. They dictate which way to go and how fast to get there.
Everyday you must affirm that -
Today is the day,
I have done my waiting
and all I have to do is to knock down the door in front of me to enter a new area of possibility.
Today is the day to make it happen.
☆ When you resolve never to quit, opportunities open up and we are in the area where our performance makes an impact.
This was for winners who are #disciplined. You must always remember that rules are for ease of our life not to make it prison. If you don't like any rul then you have to struggle to change it. For this also you have to follow a rule "not to give up". Thanks for reading till the end. Share this with people who are thinking that rules are either to break or to torture. If you are a rule breaker then you have to face it's  ill effects.
And yes, if you have broken a rule and made your own rules to get the success then kindly comment below. Your own rules may become easy rules for others and they may get succeeded.

Friday 23 November 2018

Motivational thoughts

Those who believed in #legacy had reached higher level in their #life than those who ignored it.
Four great #goals of life are to live, to love, to learn and to leave a legacy.
Throughout #history, men and women who have left real mark on the #community believed that their lives had a special meaning and they had great deeds to do.
He who dies #rich without sharing it with others is really #dishonored.
We should derive #happiness by giving and what the world gives us is not to be stored and preserved but to be given away.
When we dedicate ourselves to serve others, working for a cause greater than ourselves, we receive #profound and #spiritual #benefits that can be much greater than we can imagine.
When we identify a cause and put our heart into it to make a #difference in #society, we raise our #self_esteem and take a pride in giving away to the needy what they really deserve.
Make a difference, do something special, enjoy it, share it with others because that is the only way to #joy and #happiness which we are #eternally searching for.
No one can determine what will make another person happy because each person is unique and has different needs and desires motivated by different goals and wins.
What really makes us happy is by listening to our #inner_voice and following its guidance and direction.


बिना #झंझट व #मेघमालाओ के कभी #इन्द्रधनुष नही बन सकता।
#अवसाद वहाँ से शुरू होता है, जब जो है उसका #सदुपयोग नही किया जाय तथा जो नही है उसे पाने की तिव्र #आकांक्षा की जाए।
#परमात्मा का जप स्वयं को #रिचार्ज करने की श्रेष्ठ प्रक्रिया है।
#निरंतर का अर्थ सदैव #सक्रीय रहना, #ऊर्जावान रहना और इस युग मे #हाईटेक होने के लिये निरंतरता बहुत जरूरी है।
#स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से देखें तो जो लोग निरंतर है, #नियमित है, वे #रोगमुक्त होंगे और उनकी #पीड़ा भी दूर होंगी।
#विनम्रता ही #शक्ति को #पूजनीय बनाती है। इसलिए अपनी शक्ति पर #अहंकार न कर उसका #सत्कार्यों में उपयोग कर #समाज में #आदरणीय बनें।
निजी कार्यों से ऊपर अपने #कर्तव्य को प्रमुखता देने वाला #व्यक्ति #इतिहास में #अमर हो जाता हैं।

गौळन - मुरली

सुध बुध माझी हरवली। नको वाजवू #कान्हा तुझी #मुरली ।।धृ।।

#घागर घेवूनी #पाणीयासी जाता। डोईवरी घागर पाझरली।
नको वाजवू कान्हा तुझी मुरली ।।१।।

घरी करीत होते घर #कामधंदा। तेथेच मी गडबडली।
नको वाजवू कान्हा तुझी मुरली ।।२।।

एका #जनार्दनी पुर्ण कृपेने। #राधा #गवळन बावरली।
नको वाजवू कान्हा तुझी मुरली ।।३।।

गौळन - कान्हाने सतावल

#कान्हाने तुमच्या सतावल ग। नाही कस म्हणता ।। धृ।।

#यमुने तिरी घागरी शिरी। खडे हा मारी।
घागरी याने फोडल्या ना। नाही कस म्हणता ।। १।।

घरात घुसुनी #दही #दूध नासुनि। #लोण्याचे गोळे खाल्ले की ग।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। २।।

#वस्र आमचे #कळंबावरी ठेवून दुरी। #पाण्याच्या बाहेर या म्हणतो।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ३।।

आम्ही #मंदिरी मंचकावरी झोपलो। तरी #दाढीशी #वेणी याने बांधली।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ४।।

#नाहत होते मी मागचे #अंगणी। सांगू नका कोणी सांगयाची #लाज वाटते ना।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ५।।

आला कुठून नयनी पाहुन। माझ्या मागुनी #सासुने मारले की ग।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ६।।

#गोठयात #गाई दावने नाई बंधलेल्या। पायी #बैलच ठाई बांधले ना।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ७।।

खटयाळ तुम्ही साऱ्या #गवळनी। गा-हाने उगी मला बोलवुनी करती।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ८।।

#राधेच्या घरी गेल हा हरी झोपाळ्यावरी। #लहरिन मोठा हा झाला ना।
नाही कस म्हणता ।। ९।।

गौळन - गोकुळ सुटले

का ग #राधे #गोकुळ सुटले।
काल मला #कृष्णाने लुटले।।धृ।।

घागर घेवून #पाणीयासी जाता।
घागरीचे काठ ही फुटले।
का ग राधे गोकुळ सुटले।।१।।

#दही #दूध घेवूनी #मथुरेसी जाता।
दह्या दुधाचे माठही फुटले।
का ग राधे गोकुळ सुटले।।२।।

एका #जनार्दनी पूर्ण कृपेने।
#जन्म #मरणाचे #बंधन सुटले।
का ग राधे गोकुळ सुटले।।३।।

गौळन - जाच सासुचा

#जाच #सासुचा सोसेना।
कुणी #माहेरच येईना।।धृ।।

#माय #बाप गेले दोन्ही।
आता उरल नाही कोणी।
जाच सासुचा सोसेना।
कुणी माहेरच येईना।।१।।

आता सरली माझी वाट।
दोन्ही कड़े आला विट।
जाच सासुचा सोसेना।
कुणी माहेरच येईना।।२।।

#जनी म्हणे ऐश्या रीति।
झाली #ब्रम्हांड #फजीती।
जाच सासुचा सोसेना।
कुणी माहेरच येईना।।३।।

गौळन - हाताची बांगडी

बाई या #कान्हाने लाजच सोडली।
माझ्या हाताची #बांगडी फोडली।।धृ।।

#घागर घेवून #पाणीयासी जाता।
वाटेत आडवा कान्हा उभा होता।
मागे येवून #वेणी माझी ओढली।
माझ्या हाताची बांगडी फोडली।।१।।

#दह्या #दुधाचा #माठ डोईवरी।
त्याची #नजर माझ्यावरी।
हळूच येवून #बासरी वाजविली।
माझ्या हाताची बांगडी फोडली।।२।।

एका #जनार्दनी विनविते #राधा।
शरण आले रे तुला #गोविंदा।
वाट दाखवा तुम्हीच सदा।
माझ्या हाताची बांगडी फोडली।।३।।

गौळन - बनारसी शालू

#कृष्णा तुला मी दिसते कशी
नेसलाय शालू आज #बनारसी।।धृ।।

पाच रंगाचा सात सुतांचा धागा।
सोळा #जरी बुटयाचा चौपदारी मी नेसु कशी।
नेसलाय शालू आज बनारसी।।१।।

#वेणी मध्ये घालुनी #फूल। भांगामध्ये भरूनी #गुलाल।
कान्हा संगे मी नटेल कशी। नेसलाय शालू आज बनारसी।।२।।

#ठुमकत मुरडत माझी चाल। माझ्या संगे नको होवू बेजार।
गावा मध्ये मी राहू कशी। नेसलाय शालू आज बनारसी।।३।।

#मैत्रीणि साऱ्या येवून जमती। तुझी माझी मस्करी चोरुन पाहती।
त्यांच्या मध्ये मी राहू कशी। नेसलाय शालू आज बनारसी।।४।।

#संत सखुमनी आनंद झाला। जावूनी सांगा #पाण्डुरंगाला।
व्रत करते मी #एकादशी। नेसलाय शालू आज बनारसी।।५।।

Wednesday 21 November 2018

गौळण - कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग

Image credit - The Bhakti

रोज रोज मागतो हा दुध लोणी साय ग।
बाई तुझ्या #कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग ।। धृ।।
विकायासी जात होते #मथुरा बाजारी।
पाठी मागे येवून धरीतो पदर ग बाई धरीतो पदर।
उचलेना पाय बाई चलवेना वाट ग।
बाई तुझ्या कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग ।। १।।
#यमुनेच्या तीरावर करीती अंघोळी ग
जावूनिया बैसे हरी #कळंबाच्या स्थळीं हो कळंबाच्या स्थळीं।
वस्त्र घेवूनिया हरी पळूनच जाईन ग।
बाई तुझ्या कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग ।। २।।
दाढी वेणीची याने गाठ कशी पाडली ग।
वेडया परी गती बा आमुचेही केली ग ।
चाकु, सुरी, कातरीचा चालेना उपाय।
बाई तुझ्या कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग ।। ३।।
#मिरा म्हणे #बासरीचा लावूनिया छंद।
ग्रह कामे सारे याने पाडलेच बंद।
भूलपितो चित्त माझे हाच #यदुराज ग।
रोज रोज मागतो हा दुध लोणी साय ग।
बाई तुझ्या कृष्णाचं करू तरी काय ग ।। ४।।


एक दिन #छत्रपति #शिवाजी महाराज माताजी से मिलने उनके कक्ष में गए । उन्होंने देखा कि माताजी कक्ष के झरोखे में से बाहरहर बड़े ध्यान से कुछ देख रही हैं। शिवाजी ने पूछा, "माताजी, इतनी गंभीरता से क्या देख रही हैं?
वे बोलीं, "यही कि आसपास के सभी जिलों पर तेरी #विजय #पताका फहरा रही है, फिर केवल इस कोंडणा दुर्ग पर ही क्यों #मुगलों का आधिपत्य है? मैं यहां रहना चाहती हूं।"
शिवाजी ने आज्ञा स्वीकार की। उन्होंने तत्काल एक पत्र अपने विश्वसनीय सेनाप्रमुख #तानाजी के नाम लिखा,"माताजी की आज्ञा है कोंडणा दुर्ग अभी फतह किया जाए। यह काम तुम ही कर सकते हो।"
तानाजी अपने पुत्र के #विवाह की तैयारी में लगे थे। स्वामी का पत्र पाते ही उन्होंने बारातियों से कहा, "पहले कोंडणा दुर्ग से ब्याह फिर मेरे बच्चे कां ब्याह।'
तुरंत तानाजी #सेना लेकर निकल पड़े। #किले पर चढने के लिए डाली गोह तीन बार गिरी किंतु तानाजी ने हार नहीं मानी। चौथी बार में गोह चिपक गई । तानाजी दुर्ग पर चढ गए । नीचे डोर डालकर सेना को चढाया । बहा जमकर युद्ध हुआ। मुट्ठीभर सैनिकों ने अपने #अदम्य #साहस से अजेय माना जाने चाला कोंडणा दुर्ग जीत लिया।
लेकिन इस युद्ध में तानाजी #वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए। शिवाजी को समाचार मिलते ही उनके मुंह से निकल पडा 'गढ़ आला, पण सिंह गेला।' तब से उस दुर्ग का नाम #सिंहगढ़ रखा गया।
उक्त प्रसंग #कर्तव्य भावना का महत्व दर्शाता है। निजी कार्यों से ऊपर अपने कर्तव्य को प्रमुखता देने वाला व्यक्ति #इतिहास में #अमर हो जाता है।


Image credit - Hyderabad India Online

उन दिनों #गांधीजी #चंपारण में थे। सुबह नियम से वे #चरखा कातते और अपने सहयोगियों से आवश्यक चर्चा करते थे।
एक दिन वे अपनी कुटिया क बाहर बैठे थे। सुबह का समय था। उन्होंने अपने एक सहयोगी से चरखा मांगकर #सूत कातना शुरू किया।
कुटिया के सामने खुला स्थान था, जहां बच्चे खेलते थे। उस समय भी वहां बच्चे खेल रहे थे। अचानक दो बच्चे खेलते खेलते किसी बात पर झगड़ पड़े। धीरे-धीरे दोनों के मध्य विवाद इतना बढा कि आपस में #गालियां देने लगे।
छोटे बच्चों के मुह से #अपशब्द सुनकर गांधीजी को बहुत दुख हुआ। उन्होंने तत्काल दोनों, बच्चों के #माता-#पिता को बुलवाया। उनके आते ही गांधीजी ने उन्हें डांटना शुरू कर दिया। कुछ देर तक वे सुनते रहे, फिर उनमें से एक बच्चे के पिता ने कहा, '#बापू हमारी गलती तो बताइए।'
गांधीजीने कहा, "तुम दोनों के बच्चे यहां खेल रहे थे। उनमें झगड़ा हुआ और वे एक-दूसरे को गालियां देने लगे।"
उस व्यक्ति ने कहा, "इसके लिए आपने हमें क्यों बुलाया? दोनों बच्चों को बुलाकर डांट देते। आपको उन्हें डांटने का पूरा #अधिकार है।'
गांधीजी ने गंभीरता से कहा, मैं उन्हें डांट सकता था, किंतु डांटता तो तब जब वे #दोषी होते। ये गालियां तो उन्होंने तुम लोगों से सीखी होंगी।'
उनकी बात सुनते ही दोनों बच्चों के माता-पिता के सिर लज्जा से झुक गए और उन्होंने गांधीजी से #क्षमा मांगी।
दरअसल, बच्चे कच्ची मिट्टी के समान होते हैैं। उन्हें #संस्कारों के जिस स्वरूप में ढाला जाता है, वे ढल जाते हैं। अत: उन्हें सदैव #सुसंस्कार देने चाहिए।

हनुमान ने किया भीम का अहंकार चूर चूर

Image credit - Bharatkosh

#भीम को अपनी शक्ति पर बड़ा घमंड था। एक बार वनवास काल में #द्रौपदी को एक #सहस्रदल #कमल दिखाई दिया । उसने उसे ले लिया और भीम से उसी प्रकार का एक और कमल लाने को कहा। भीम कमल लेने चल पड़े। आगे जाने पर भीम को #गंधमादन पर्वत की चोटी पर एक विशाल #केले का वन मिला जिसमें ये घुस गए।
इसी वन में हनुमानजी रहते थे । उन्हें भीम के आने का पता लगा, तो उन्होंने सोचा कि अब आगे #स्वर्ग के मार्ग में जाना भीम के लिए हानिकारक होगा। वे भीम के रास्ते में लेट गए।
भीमसेन ने वहां पहुंचकर हनुमान से मार्ग देने के लिए कहा तो वे बोलें यहां से आगे यह पर्वत मनुष्यों के लिए अगम्य है । अत: यहीं से लोट जाओं।'
भीम ने कहा 'मैं मरूं या बचूं तुम्हें क्या? तुम जरा उठकर मुझे रास्ता दे दो।'
हनुमान बोले, 'रोग से पीडित होने के कारण उठ नहीं सकता, तुम मुझे लांघकर चले जाओ।'
भीम बोले, 'परमात्मा सभी प्राणियों की देह में है, किसी को लांघकर उसका अपमान नहीं करना चाहिए।'
तब हनुमान बोले, 'तो तुम मेरी पूंछ पकडकर हटा दो और निकल जाओ।'
भीम ने हनुमान की पूंछ पकड़कर जोरों से खींची किंतु वह नहीं हिली। भीम का मुंह लज्जा से झुक गया। उन्होंने क्षमा मांगी और परिचय पूछा। तब हनुमान ने अपना परिचय दिया और वरदान दिया कि #महाभारत #युद्ध के समय में तुम लोगों की सहायता करूंगा।
वस्तुतः विनम्रता ही शक्ति को पूजनीय बनाती है। इसलिए अपनीं शक्ति पर अहंकार न कर उसका सत्कार्यों में उपयोग कर समाज में आदरणीय बनें।

गौळण - धूम पळाला

Image credit - Aradhika

धूम पळाला,धूम पळाला, धूमच पळाला।
अल्या #गवळणी येवूनी। सखी धरिता #कान्हाला।। धृ।।
घागर घेवूनी पाणीयासीं जाता। आडवा कान्हा वाटेला ।
धूम पळाला,धूम पळाला, धूमच पळाला।।१।।
दही दूध घेवूनी #मथुरेशी जाता। आडवा कान्हा वाटेला ।
धूम पळाला,धूम पळाला, धूमच पळाला।।२।।
ऐका जनार्दनी पूर्ण कृपेने । #राधा चरणाला।
धूम पळाला,धूम पळाला, धूमच पळाला।।३।।

Tuesday 20 November 2018


Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.
Day or night,
one should have faith in what right,
Actions are like tennis balls, you throw them they bounce back,
they hit harder that is how they attack.
Do good get good, that is what is life's truth. Make karma the motto of your life,
Trust me you'll inspire 1000's who strive,
Karma is life it is the truth
be good and live in brotherhood .

Friday 16 November 2018

Badam aur gulkand ki kulfi

200 gm almonds
40 gm rose petals
1.5 litre milk (full fat)
80 gm dried whole milk (unsweetened)
70 gm sugar
A few strands of saffron
Blanch and peel the almonds and make a paste of 90 per cent of the almonds. Clean and soak rose petals in water and cook them in sugar till thick. Dissolve the saffron in a small bowl of warm milk to extract its flavour. Then boil the milk and reduce to 40 per cent, add grated dried whole milk, almond paste, sugar and saffron extract. Cook till dried whole milk is dissolved.
Pour the mixture in kulti cones, add cooked rose petals, sliced almond and freeze it. Serve with falooda and rabri.
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1 tbsp rose water
Chop the almonds iinely and keep aside. Soak the rice for 15 minutes. Now grind to a paste using little water. Keep milk for boiling, add sugar and cab

Badam ki phirni

One cup almonds (peeled)
500 ml milk
100 gm sugar
Two tbsp rice
1 tbsp rose water
Chip the almonds finely and keep aside. Soak the rice for 15 minutes. Now grind to a paste using little water. Keep milk for boiling, add sugar and damom powder. Once it boils, lower the heat and add almonds. Cook for two mins and then slowly add the rice paste.
Keep stirring on a slow flame till the entire milk thickens and coats thickly on the back of a spoon. Remove from flame, add gulabjal and pour in small containers. Refrigerate and serve cold.

Badam ki kheer

2 tbsp Desi ghee
1 cup almonds
1/2 tsp green cardamom powder
3 tbsp Rice
1ltr Milk
1/2 cup Raisins
150 Sugar
1 and half tbsp Almond slivers
Soak rice for half hour. Soak raisins in  water for 15 minutes. Blanch almonds remove skin and grind to a paste adding water.
Heat a pan and add desi ghee. Now lightly souté the almond paste on low heat for 1 minute. Add milk and bring it to a boil. Lower the heat and add rice. Cook for 15 minutes or till the rice overcooks and thickens the kheer. Add sugar and raisins. Garnish with almonds slivers.

Almond and honey flavoured shrikhand

1 and a half cup Hung yogurt
2 tbsp Powdered sugar
3 tbsp Almonds (toasted and crushed)
1 tbsp Honey
1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
Blend yogurt and sugar and pour in small glasses. Fill half the glass and add toasted and crushed almonds. Pour a little honey and a pinch cinnamon. Repeat the process. Serve chilled.

Keep making the effots

You are making progress. Now you can make more. You've done something right and something wrong. Now you can learn from them all, and apply the experience to move forward. You know how good it feels to stay focused on a goal, and to make a difference. Today you can earn yourself some more of that good feeling. With your efforts you have survived every challenge, and those efforts have made you strong. Now you can become even stronger. Though you have felt fear stop you. You have shown how courage you have, and now you can put that courge into new use. Through the ups and downs, setbacks and victories, pains and joys, you have succeeded in making your way here. You are doing great so keep doing.
 Just because you seem to be at a disadvantage is no reason to give up. Insted, resolve to push forward with consistent, focused effort. Those who achieve are no necessarily the smartest, or the wealthiest, or the best connected. Those who achieve are those who are most persistent.
Your level of commitment over the long term is a much bigger factor than any relative advantages and disadvantages that may exist you first start. Choose where you would like to go, and keep making effort until you get there.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Motivation thought

#motivational, #BeYou #KnowYourself
What you are is a question only you can answer.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Our reflections deepen our understanding of who we are.
Knowing yourself means taking the time to check the temperature and knowing your internal working better.
The process knowing yourself allows you to travel at your own pace, charting your own course and determining your own direction.
When you love what you are doing you don't get frustrated.
From the neck down very few people are worth a thousand rupees. From the neck up, there is no limit to your worth.
Everyone feeds the stomach daily. But we feed our minds occasionally or accidentally.
Our brain has tremendous potential, promise and value. We must feed it daily by managing our time in daily routine.
It would be marvelous and splendid if people can fill up their head more and more with useful information and not garbage.
When successful one say "I have to learn more", the defeatist say "I have no time".
Your rewards in life are due to your behavior than your birth.
I refused to worry about more than one thing at a time.
I rejected stress and shut out nagging questions.
I practice to erase all the messages on the board of my mind and keep the board clean and made my mind free of worries.
The secret is to get maximum out of every moment.
We always establish our goals according to our self-image.
The real opportunity for success lies within the person, not in the job, and you can get the top by getting to the bottom things.
Success and happiness are not matters of chance but matters of choice.
Successful people see possibilities in an impossible situation.
All success stories are punctuated by failures.

Health is wealth

In a village named Kaner there was a school named Kaner public school, there was a fat boy in that school named Ronit his father was richest in the village, so he was very proud he came school form a car and has his own laptop. He was proud he always walked around anywhere with his gang he had a big lunch box form which his gang eats chocolates, wafers, etc. Once Ronit was sitting and a boy, Varun came and said "can you open this nut?" yes Ronit replied. And put the nut into his mouth and as he was crushing the shell he shouted "ah I got hurt" Varun said "is it very paining?" "No, tomorrow I will bring the best nut cutter and then you can eat amany nuts as you want."

Ronit returned school in four days and he was with spectacles, Varun asked "what happened" "Nothing I went to the doctor and doctor said that I have a weak eyesight so I found the best spectacle in the market. "Your eyesight is so poor and being proud of spectacles" said Varun." Another time he came after a few days and we saw gold caping in his teeth and when we asked he said "I went to the  dentist and he said that I have cavity and I caped it with gold."

Some days later the school announced a race on world health day. Ronit also participated in it. On world health day the race started Ronit ran ten steps and fall down in the mud. He gone in the class and cleaned himself with napkin. After the race ended Varun came and said "we all are more wealthier than you", Ronit said "What are you drunk". "You have heard that slogan health is wealth you have cavity and poor eyesight and can't run properly, see your health.

Friends please see you health. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Useless tears

Long ago there was a man called Sushant. Sushant was having a daughter. Her name was Supriya. As name suggests Supriya was much beloved. Supriya was the only child to Sushant. He lived only for her.

Years passed, one day supriya become ill. Her illness was becoming more and more difficult to cure. No physician could cure her. Sushant was trying all the things to restore Supriya's health. But his best efforts proved fruitless. And one day the little daughter Supriya died of her illness.

After her death Sushant was totally irreconcilable. He became a bitter recluse, refusing every activity that my restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self.

One night he had a dream. He was in heaven and witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in an apparently endless line past the Great White Throne. Every child angel was wearing white gown and carring a candle in hands. Everyone's candle was lit up.

Suddenly Sushant saw a little girl angel whose candle was not lit up. Confused Sushant was watching at her. After few seconds he realized that the little girl angel is none other than Supriya.

He rushed towards her hold her in his arms and asked, "Oh my lovely daughter, why your candle is not lit?"

She said, "Father, they often re-light it, but your tears always put it out again."

Just then Sushant woke up. The lesson of his dream was crystal clear. From then on he was no longer a recluse, but mingled cheerfully in his life with people around him. No longer would his little darlings candle be extinguished by his useless tears.

This was a short story for you and people around you. Death is bitter truth of life. To enlight candles of our loved ones be cheerfull and keep smiling. Share this story with all your friends on social media. Thank you. What you are feeling after reading this story please comment below.

Monday 12 November 2018


Shankar parameshwar was a furous man. He would get angry for petty things. He would behave abnormally whenever he get angry. He never used to listento his parents. His wife and kids would fear a lot. One day he went to the market and bought a water melon. While he was returning home, some kid threw a ball at him by mistake. He was about to fall but managed to stand firmly. He got very angry and shouted at  children. He didn't give the ball to the kid. He threw a ball it to a wall with force . The ball bounced  at him with same force and hit his head. He fell backward and his waist got hurt. A relative of him who was watching it from far away came to him and took him hospital. After recovering, his relative said to him, if you had given the bll to kid ,all these things wouldn't have happened.  You should suppress  your short temper. It is  good for you and your health. From that day Parameshwar tried to control his aner. Gradually he changed his behaviour. His family is very happy

Moral  our anger is our enemy

नैया ले चल पलडी पार

नैय्या ले चल पलडी पार; कन्हैया ले चल पलडी पार ।
जहॉ बिराजे राधा रानी, अलबेली सरकार कन्हैया ले चल...

१ गुण-अवगुण सब तेरे अर्पण, पाप पुण्य सब तेरे अर्पण ।
यह जीवन भी तेरे अर्पण, मै तेरे चरणों की दासी मेरे प्राण आधार,  कन्हैया . .

२ तेरी आस लगा बैठी हुँ, अखियाँ खुब थका बैठी
हुँ अपना आप लुटा बैठी हूँ, सावरिया मैं तेरी रागिनी तूमेरा मल्हार
कन्हैया ले चल....

३ तेरे बिन कुछ चाह नही है, कोई सूझती राह नही है ।
जग की कोई परवाह नही है । मेरे प्रीतम मेरे मांझी करदो
भव से पार, कन्हैया .....

४ आनद' फुल यहॉ बरस रहा पत्ता पत्ता तरस रहा है ।
फूल फूल यहॉ महक रहा है, बहुत हुआ
अब हार गई मैं करदो भव से पार
कन्हैया ले चल पलडी पार...
सावरिया ले चल पलडी पार...

नटवर नागर नन्दा, भजो रे मन गोविंदा।

नटवर नागर नन्दा, भजो रे मन गोविंदा।
श्याम सुन्दर मुख चन्दा, भजो रे मन गोंविदा।

तू ही नटवर, तू ही नागर, तू ही बाल मुकुंदा।
सब देवन में कृष्ण बडे है, ज्यू तारों बिच चन्दा।।

सब सखियन में राधा जी बडी हैं, ज्यू नदियो बीच गंगा ।
ध्रुव तारे, प्रल्हाद उबारे, नरसिंह रुप धरन्ता ।।

कालीदह में नाग ज्यो नाथों, फण फण नृत्य करन्ता।
वृन्दावन में रास रचा यो, नाचत बाल मुकुंदा ।।

मीरा के प्रभु गिरधर नागर काटो जम का फन्दा

भगवान तुम्हारे चरणों में

मिलता है सच्चा सुख केवल, भगवान तुम्हारे चरणों में
यह बिनती है पलपल छिन छिन, रहे ध्यान तुम्हारे चरणों में ।।

१ चाहे बैरी कुल संसार बने, चाहे जीवन मुझ पर भार बने ।
चाहे मौत गले का हार बने, रहे ध्यान तुम्हारें च रणों में ।।

२ चाहे अग्नि में मुझे जलना हो, चाहे काटो पर मुझें चलना हो ।
चाहे छोड के देश निकलना हो, रहे ध्यान तुम्हारे चरणों में ।।

३ चाहे संकट ने मुझे घेरा हो, चाहें चारों ओर अंधेरा हो ।
पर मन ना डगमग मेरा हो रहे ध्यान तुम्हारे चरणों में ।।

४ जिव्हा पर तेरा नाम रहे, तेरी याद सुबह और शाम रहें ।
मन मंदिर में घनश्याम रहे, रहे ध्यान तुम्हारे चरणों में ।।

राधे तेरे चरणों की

राधे (श्यामा) तेरे चरणों की, यदि धूल जो मिल जाये।
सच कहता हूं बस मेरी तकदीर बदल जाये ।।धृ.।।

सुनते है तेरी रहमत, दिन-रात बरसती है ।
एक बूंद जो मिल जाये, मेरे मनकी कली खील जाये । । १ ।।

यह मन बडा चंचल है, कैसे तेरा भजन क रुं
जितना उसे समझाऊँ, उतना ही मचल जाये । । २ ।।

नजरों से गिराना ना, चाहे जितनी सजा देना ।
नजरो से जो गिर जाये, मुश्किल है संभल पाए।।३।।

राधे इस जीवन में, बस इतनी तमन्ना है ।
तू सामने हो मेरे, मेरा दम ही निकल जाए।।४।।

राधे तेरे चरणों की यदि धूल जो मिल जाये । ।

मेरे तो आधार श्री श्याम

मेरे तो आधार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द
सुख का संसार श्री श्याम क्रे चरणारविन्द

१) देवकी ने जन्म दिया, यशोदा ने पाला
लाल दोऊ माताओं का तीन लोक वाला 
चरणों में जो भी झुका है उसने उठाया है 
छुलो इक बार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द
मेरे तो आधार तो श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द

२ ) राधा बिन श्याम जैसे देह बिन प्राण है
श्याम बिन राधा जैसे बंशी बिन तान है
श्याम की पुकार सुनके दौडी आये राधा
राधा की पुकार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द
मेरे तो आधार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द

३) ब्रज का उजाला बना सावरा कन्हैया
गोपियोकीं नाव का श्याम ही खिवैय्या
सावरेके' पाव छूके जल भी हो पावन
जमुना की धार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द
मेरे तो आधार श्री श्याम के चरणारविन्द

भजले रे भाई

भजले रे भाई सांझ सवेरे, एक माला हरि नाम की ।
जिस माला में राम नहीं, वो माला है किस काम की ।
नाम के बल पर, बजरंगीने सागर शीला तराई थी,
बाण लगा जब लखनलला को, संजीवनी पिलाई थी,
नाम के बल पर, देखो भाई, बन आई हनुमान की ।।

एक माला को माता जानकी ने, बजरंगी को दान दिया,
बजरंगी ने तोड तोडकर भूमि के ऊपर डाल दिया,
बजरंगी के हृदय बसी है, मुरत सीताराम की ।।

बडे भाग्य से सुनले मुरख, मानव तन ये पाया है,
गर्भकाल में कौल किया था, बाहर आ बिसराया है,
सब मिलकर अब जय-जय बोलो, पवन पुत्र हनुमान की ।।

नन्हासा फूल हूँ

नन्हासा फूल हूँ मैं चरणो की धुल हू मैं ।
इतना करो उपकार प्रभुजी मेरी पूजा करो स्वीकार
मैं तो निर्गुणीया प्रभुजी इतनी सी बात है
मेरे जीवन की डोरी अब तेरे हाथ है
थोडासा गुण क्लि जाये, निर्धन को धन मिल जाए
मानु तुम्हारा उपकार प्रभुजी मेरी
सुनलो हमारी अरजी हमको कुछ ज्ञान दो
जीवन में जीना सीखे ऐसा वरदान दो
सुरजसी शान पाऊ चंदासा मान पाऊ इतना तो
दे दो उपहार प्रभुजी मेरी

Death by paint

Hello friends in today's article I am going to explain you about how a person can die from paint and how. So let's start.  

In a movie, made in 1964. James bond opines that covering a person's body with paint would cause death because' we breathe from our skin'. We know now that this explanation for death is not correct.
We breathe through our nose or mouth, but not through the skin. However a person covered in paint from head to toes would undoubtedly die, not due to lack of oxygen but by overheating. The paint would close the spores in the skin, preventing perspiration and the body's regulating system would be prevent from functioning. Toxic substances in the paint would continue bringing the death of the person.

Thank you for reading share this with your friends and family.

Monday 5 November 2018

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Sunday 4 November 2018

राधारमण कहो

जिस हाल में, जिस देश में, जिस वेश में रहो
राधारमण राधारमण राधारमण कहो।।ध्रु।।

जिस काम में, जिस धाम में, जिस नाम में, रहो राधा रमण कहो ।।१।।

संसार में, परिवार में, घरबार में, रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।२।।

जिस रंग में, जिस ढंग में, जिस संग में, रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।३।।

जिस देह में, जिस गेह में, जिस स्नेह में रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।४।।

जिस राग में, अनुराग में, वैराग में रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।५।।

जिस मान में, सम्मान में, अपमान में रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।६।।

जिस योग में, जिस भोग में, जिस रोग में रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।७।।

इहलोक में, परलोक में, गोलोक में रहो
राधा रमण कहो ।।८।।

भगवान मेरी नैया

भगवान मेरी नैया उस पार लगा देना ।
अब तक तो निभाया है आगे भी निभा लेना ।।धृ।।

दल बदल के साथ माया घेरे जो मुझको आकर
तो देखते न रहना, झट आ के बचा लेना ।। १ ।।

सम्भव है झंझटों में मैं तुमको भूल जाऊँ ।
पर नाथ कही तुम भी मुझको न भुला देना ।।२।।

तुम देव मैं पुजारी तुम इष्ट मैं उपासक।
यह बात अगर सच है सच करके दिखा देना।।३।।

Saturday 3 November 2018

Kalachand's painting

All eyes of 6th section-A turned to Kalachand when the Principal himself entered our class in tiffin period and asked him: “What’s the matter Kalachand? Nidhiram complained that you had beaten him.”
“No sir. I did not beat him at all. It’s just a little scratching on his face and squeezing his eat. It’s a lie that I beat him. Before parting I just pulled his hair and as soon as I pushed him he fell on the ground. That’s all" replied Kalachand politely.
“Now, may I know the reason of this just pulling, pushing and scratching?” demanded principal sir.
Kalachand scratched his head a little and then tried to explain, “Actually s-sir, he was irritating me very much, ”
“Did he beat you? Did he call you names? Did he threaten you?” pat came the questions
“No sir, he was just blabbering like an idiot and pestering me. So I lost my temper....” Kalachand tried to explain. 
“In that case, TRY TO CONTROL YOUR TEMPER. If I get any such complain in future...” Sir completed the sentence by squeezing Kalachand’s ear red. ,
We had to suppress our curiosity till the end of the school; As soon as the final bell rang at 4 pm. We ran out of the school to find Kalachand. We surrounded him asking in a chorus,
“What happened Kalachand?”
“Was Nidhiram really irritating?”
“What did he tell you?”
“What made you so angry that you beat him without any reason?”
Kalachand snorted back, “What! ‘Without any reason’? Then go and ask Nidhiram why I beat him?” Telling this Kalachand pushed us aside and started for his house with long strides.
So we approached Nidhiram. He reacted furiously.
 “Is this a reason to beat one? Why have you asked my opinion for your painting? And then beating me for that opinion? Show me ‘reason’l Humph!!!!”

We could not understand anything from this out-pour. So we pleaded with him, “Please Nidhiram, tell us everything in detail. You’re not making sense. Just start from the beginning” Here goes Nidhiram’s side of the story.
Khandava Dahana’ (The burning of Khandava forest). Then he came to Nidhiram and asked, “How is it looking, Nidhiram?”
Nidhiram wanted to know, “What have you drawn here in'the right corner, foxes running ill front of a temple?” ,
Kalachand looked hurt, “OH, no! This is not a temple. This is Arjuna’s chariot. These are not running foxes; these are horses pulling the Chariot.” .
Nidhiram then asked, “I see, but why is the sun black? And why are the bats doing summer saults? Why are there so many lotuses?”
Kalachand said, “Oh that is not the sun at all. That is the Sudarshan chakra in Lord Shree Krishna’s hand. Your bat is Garuda killing snakes. And how can you mistake Arjuna's chariot’s flag as a tree? And those are not LOTUSES, you fool, those are gods watching Arjuna’s feat from heaven? They are small because they’re in the sky, idiot.”
Still Nidhiram was not fully satisfied, “ May be, now I get it. But just tell me one thing, who is this girl in a black saree? Why she coming to kill Arjuna and Krishna?”
Kalachand was losing his cool,”Nonsense! This is a tree in Khandava forest. The smoke is coming because the forest is burning.”
Nidhiram“Fine! But I’ve a suggestion Instead of Khandava Dahana, make it ‘Sita's Agnipariksha ’. Drape a saree around the tree an it can become Sita. Draw some hair and a beard to make the chariot Agnideva (God of fire) Arjuna and Krishna will easily go for Ram and Lakshmana. Erase the wings of the bat and add tail, it will be the perfect Hanuman.”
Kalachand shot back, “Why just Hanuman? can be Nidhiram also.”
Nidhiram had another idea, "OK. If you don" like this idea, let it be ‘Shishupala Badha Krishna is already there. He is going to c Shishupala’s head with that Sudarshan chakra. Give make over to Arjuna to turn him into Pitama Bhishma. The chariot can he the throne. Just draw king Yudhisthira sitting on it. You will realize the effects then . Draw some kings who have come to attend Rajasuya Yajna performed by Yudhisthira. You‘ll realize the effect then.”
Kalachand looked visibly irritated so Nidhiram tried to pacify him by saying, “Why are you so sulky, my friend? Am I pressing you to abide by my suggestion? If you like them, follow them. And if not, do something else. Suppose you can turn this painting to Samudra Manthan. (‘the churning of the ocean’) instead of Shishupala Badha. It’s so easy. The tree will be the Mandar Parvat (the mountain needed to churn the ocean).The chariot will be Goddess Lakshmi coming out of sea as a result of churning. Let the Sudarshan chakra be the moon. Draw some gods behind Arjuna to make the side of gods and some asuras around Krishna for the demon side,”
Kalachand effectively ended the statement there by pouncing on Nidhiram like a wild boar.
Thus depicting the whole story Nidhiram complained to us, “I just gave some friendly advice; not liking them didn’t give Kalachand the right to beat me. It’s unfair. Now that you've heard the whole story, tell me friends, have I done anything wrong? Is there anything that can enrage one person to beat his friend?
Really, it’s totally unfair. All of us agreed with Nidhiram that there was no such apparent 'reason’ to behave in such a way. Beating, threatening,  bullying, and making faces- Nidhiram had done none of these. So,what is the real ‘REASON”? To solve this mystery all of us 6th  standard section-A students, gathered Kalachand's house in the evening.
I started. “We’ve come to see that painting of yours. That Samudra Langham (Hanuman crossing the ocean) or whatever you have named it?”
Ramaprasad snapped, “No, you are messing it up” The name is ‘Sita’s Agnipariksha'. Is it right Kalachand?”
Someone told, “No, No, it’s not about any pariksha. It’s about killing of someone, something Badha. "
Kalachand promptly tired up at this and tore his painting to eighths. Then he glared at us and gave a bear-like growl, “Stop sniggering like a bunch of fools. Leave me alone.” And with that he stormed away.
Frankly, this confused matters and we came to the conclusion that Kalachand just might have a screw loose. '
(Original Story Sukumar Ray) Submitted by Swapna Nath

Friday 2 November 2018

अच्छा पौधा

नमस्ते दोस्तों आज मै आपको एक कहानी बताऊँगा। तो चलिए शुरू करते है। 

एक समय की बात है, दो पसड़ौसी थे एक अध्यापक था और एक वकील।उन्होंने अपने घर में झाड़ उगाये। अध्यपाक ने अपने पेड़ को तीन दिन में एक बार पानी दिया वही वकील ने अपने पेड़ को रोज पानी दिया। कुछ महीने बाद  दोनों के झाड़ उग गए पर वकील का झाड़ कुछ साद चूका था।  एक दिन रत को बहुत ज़ोर से बारिश आई। और वकील का पेड़ उड़ गया वही अध्यापक का पेड़ जैसा की वैसा ही था। जब अगली रात वकील ने अध्यापक को को अपने घर खाने के लिए बुलाया तब उसने बताया की तुम्हारे पेड़ को पानी ऊपर तुम बहुत सारा दे रहे थे। तो तुम्हारे पौधे की जेड अंदर तक नहीं गई। वही मैंने उसे उपर से पानी नहीं दिया इसीलिए यह अंडर तक गए। 

Strategic Alliances

  Strategic Alliances -  For any achievement gone need the right person on your team.  Sugriv was very keen on this. Very first Sugriva was ...