
Wednesday 30 September 2020


सामाग्री: 2 कप मैदा, खोया हल्का सा भून  हुआ, एक कप, बारीक कटा ड्रायफ्रूट 2 चम्मच,(बादाम, काजू और पिस्ता) डेढ़ कप शक्कर पिसी हुई, तलने के लिए, घी, चांदी का वर्क, और लोहे का 3 इंच चौड़ा साचा।

विधि: पानी में मैदे को अच्छी तरह मिक्स करलें पकौड़े जैसा हल्का गाढ़ा घोल तैयार करें। इसमें शक्कर और दो बड़े चम्मच  घी मिक्स करे।एक लड़ाई में तेल गर्म कर इतना हो कि उसने लाए वाला चाचा डूब जाए इस साचे के अंदर तीन चार कड़छिया डाले व हल्का भूरा होने तक मिश्रण को तले।फिर गोना रोटी लिए घेवर को बाहर निकाले और ठंडा होने पर भुनेखोए को हल्का सा पिघलाकर गेवर के पितर वाले जिससे पर उससे लात और ऊपर से प्रेस उस डालकर चांदी के वर्क में सजाए।

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Rules to teach your son

1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.
2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.
3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.
4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
5. Request the late check-out.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.
8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…
10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.
13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.
14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.
15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.
16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.
17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.
18. Never turn down a breath mint.
19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.
20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.
22. Eat lunch with the new kid.
23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.
24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.
25. Manners make the man.
26. Give credit. Take the blame.
27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.
28. Write down your dreams.
29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you. 
30. Be confident and humble at the same time.
31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary! 
32. In all things, give glory to God.

Sunday 27 September 2020


रीइन्व्हेन्ट - काळाची गरज

काल एका मित्रासोबत गप्पा मारत होतो. सॉफ्टवेअर लाईनचा माणूस आहे. सांगत होता, कामाचा प्लॅटफॉर्म बदलला, सहा महिने शिकायला लागले पण आता अॅट पार आहे, दोन वर्षात हाही प्लॅटफॉर्म बदलेल आणि मग परत नवे शिकावे लागेल. बेसिक्स जरी तेच असले तरी नवे शिकतच रहावे लागेल. स्वतःला रीइन्व्हेन्ट करावेच लागेल.
फोटोग्राफीत देखील काय झाले? ब्रोमाईड एक्सपोझर वरून डिजिटल एसएलआर आणि आता मिररलेस. थोडे थोडे बदलत गेले आणि नवे शिकावे लागले. डार्करूममध्ये फोटो धुणारी माणसे होती, त्यातल्या काही लोकांनी फोटोशॉप शिकून घेतले आणि व्यवसायात कायम राहिले. ज्यांनी फोटोशॉपला टांग मारली ते आउट ऑफ जॉब झाले.
एक ओळखीचे काका आहेत, बाबांसोबत बँकेत होते. बाबांनी व्हीआरएस घेतली आणि काही काळात बँकेत कोअर बँकिंग आले. काका या नवीन टेक्नॉंलॉजीत स्वतःला रीइन्व्हेन्ट करू शकले नाही, त्यांना इच्छा नसतांना व्हीआरएस घ्यावी लागली.
आता आपण फार काळ चॉकलेट हिरो करू शकणार नाही हे अक्षय सारख्या फार कमी नटांच्या लक्षात येते. अॅक्शन या जॉनर मध्ये तो मास्टर होताच. त्याने देखील स्वतःला रीइन्व्हेन्ट केले. पॅटर्न बदलला, कमी खर्चात स्वतः देशभक्तीपट काढू लागला. काही लोकांना आवडले, काहींना नाही आवडले. पण तो मार्केटमध्ये टिकून राहिला. नुसता टिकला नाही तर त्याने आपल्या फॅन्सच्या संख्येत लक्षणीय भर घातली.
सेट्स बनवणाऱ्या लोकांना काय मान होता बॉलीवूडमध्ये. आजही आहे पण आता व्हीएफएक्स आले आहे. बाहुबली सारखा सिनेमा मोस्ट ऑफ द टाइम ग्रीन रूममध्ये चित्रित झाला.
स्वतःला रीइन्व्हेन्ट करत राहणे ही आता काळाची गरज आहे. त्यात जो मागे पडेल ती कामाधंद्यातून मागे पडेल.
वकिली सल्ला देणारी सॉफ्टवेअर आलीत म्हणे आता. मायनर वैद्यकीय सल्ला देणारी पण येतील, हू नोज.

इंजिनियर लोकांना तर दिवस रात्र शाळा असणार. टेक्नॉलॉजी हीच माणसे बदलून टाकतात.
मास्तर लोकांना देखील काही वर्षातच संपूर्ण डिजिटल व्हावे लागेल.

आज अनेकांना वाटू शकते, भारतासारख्या महाकाय देशात हे शक्य नाही. पण असे नसेल. गुगल सारख्या कंपन्या यावर काम करतात आहेतच. दहा वर्षांत लेकरु कदाचित एक टॅब घेऊन जाईल शाळेत.
हर्षा भोगलेने सुंदर पिचाईला एक फार सुंदर प्रश्न विचारला होता. नंबर वन होणे सोपे पण तिथे इतक्या जास्त वेळ टिकून राहणे कठीण, कारण अनेकांना आपण गुगल व्हावे असे वाटत असते, तुम्ही हे मॅनेज कसे करता?

सुंदर यावर म्हणाला, कारण आम्ही सतत काहीतरी रीइन्व्हेन्ट करत असतो, आज कोणता नवीन विचार कोणी सादर केला याला महत्व देतो.

रोज काहीतरी नवे मेंदूत खुपसून त्यावर विचार करणे ही काळाची गरज आहे. स्वतःला रीइन्व्हेन्ट न करणारी माणसे फार लवकर स्पर्धेतून बाद होतील.
शेवटपर्यंत वाचल्या बद्दल धन्यवाद. अश्याच माहितीपूर्ण लेखांसाठी या ब्लॉग ला शेयर आणि सबस्क्राइब करा आणि रेइन्व्हेन्ट बद्दल आपले काय  नक्की कंमेंट करा. 

Friday 25 September 2020

'Characteristics of animals' Animal World Part-2

 Hello friends in this blog you are going to read about animals, so let's start.

Recap of previous article- 

1. Life on our Planet, which makes our planet unique.

2. Animals and Plants are two types of living organisms which play a very significant role in ecosystem.

3. Difference between plant and animal (in short).


We all have seen trees, maybe in the park or besides our house, or anywhere else. The trees are huge and you will not find movement in them, only you can see their growth. But animals can move freely, this is one of the major difference between plants and animals, but we had already read this in the previous part. But what about small single-celled plants and animals? That's what we are going to know in  this article.

Generally plants can not move but some exceptions like swimming algae can move. The plants are called Autotrophs; as they produce their own food by the green pigment called chlorophyll, but animals  can't do that and depend on plants for food, and they are called Heterotrophs.

Animals have a nervous system that makes them sensitive to touch heat cold pain and other changes in environment (Stimuli). On the other hand plants lack such nervous system, but there are again some exceptions like the touch-me-not plant which closes the leaves when touched.

The cell structure of plants and animals. Most plants have rigid/hard cell walls and they also contain cellulose. But animal cells do not contain cellulose. While animals stop growing after they are mature, but plants grow in size and shape until they die.



1. Animals can move.

1. Plants cannot move

2. Animals have a nervous system which responds to stimuli

2. Plants lack a nervous system which responds to stimuli

3. Animal cells do not contain cellulose.

3. Plants have hard cell walls and have cellulose in them.

4. Growth stops when animal becomes mature.

4. Growth does not stop until the plant dies.

Table of differences  between plants and animals.

Now you know how the plants and animals differ each other, but a question arises which one of these two came first, plant or animal? We will discuss it in next part until then you can read our other blogs.



राजा ने खजांची से प्रभावित होकर उससे पदोन्नत कर दीया

एक राजा ने किसी व्यक्ति की ईमानदारी के विषय में सुन रख था। राजा ने उसे अपना खजांची नियुक्त कर दिया । खजांची निष्ठा च ईमानदारी से अपना कार्य करने लगा । राजा की उसके प्रति प्रसन्नता व विश्वास देख कुछ दरबारी खजांची से ईप्यों रखने लगे । उन्होने खजांची के विरुद्ध एक षडूयंत्र रचा। एक दिन जब खजांची अपने घर गया हुआ था तब उन दरबारियों ने राजा से उसकी शिकायत की कि वह शाही खजाने से धन चुराकर उसे अपने घर के गोदानमें छिपा देता है । राजा उसी समय इस शिकायत की जांच काने के लिए खजांची के घर गया । खजांची राजा क्रो अपने पर देखकर थोड्रा हैरान हुआ किंतु जब उसने कारण जाना तो वह तत्काल राजा क्रो अपने गोदाम में ले गया । चहां एक बांसुरी के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं था। गोदाम में एक छोटी खिडकी थी जिससे सामने का चरागाह दिखाईं देता था । खजांची ने राजा से कहा ५ महाराज बचपन में में एक गडरिया था और उस चरागाह में मवेधिस्यों क्रो चराता था । धीरे-धीरे मैंने प्रगति क्री । आपने मुझ पर भरोसा कर मुझे खजांची का पद सौंपा, लेकिन मैं अपना निर्धन  बचपन नहीं भूला । इसलिए खाली समय में यहां आकर बांसुरी  ३ बजाकर अपना बचपन याद करता हू। राजा ने खजांची की सोच ५ से प्रभावित हो तत्काल उसे पदोन्नत कर मंत्रो बना दिया । सार यह है कि जो अपने संपन्न वर्तमान में भी विपन्न अतीत क्रो याद रख उसकी सहजता और सादगी में जीता है, वह आत्मिक रूप से सुखी व लोक की दृष्टि से यश का भागो बनता है । 

काले चने के कबाब

Financial Nirvana

If you know how to live within your means and find joy in it well, then you have attend "financial Nirvana". Pat yourself on the back - you are amazing! Here in this article I am sharing some benefits of living within your means. The article is solely return with the intention that you The Reader get motivated to understand your means and can live happy and stress free life.
One of the biggest Perks of living within your means is leading a happy stress free life. Imagine waking up everyday without having to worry about how you are going to pay your bills. This type of morning everyone of us is desiring and dreaming of it. Please read this article till the end.

Image result for money
Image Credit:

Debt free
If you live within your means that is in the limitations of your pocket then you will always have enough money to pay for your expenses. Does it will reduce borrowing and hence no worry about repayment. When you spend more than what you and you will need to take a loan to cover the deficit. This will lead to a situation where you don't have money to pay your expenses and you have to repay your loan as well. So identify your limits which your pocket allows you and try to stay within that then you won't have to beg borrow or steal for silly expenses.
penny saved is a penny earned
On the finance page  off of a reputed daily I used to read a line money saved is money earned. You know it's important to save for the future for the rainy days for the retirement etc. But you continue to spend like you own a magical Money Giving Tree in your back yard. You cannot have Grand plans for the future if you are careless in your present. If you don't have plans for your future then make them now. Without a plan your future looks bleak. This planning will motivate you to stay in your financial limits.
Less drama at home over the budget
Financial problem is the most common cause of fight in most homes. But if there is no financial worry then it's one big drama of your head. If you are stress free you can spend quality time with your family. It will be more fun to give quality time to family rather than discussing on financial issues. For people who live beyond their means everyday is a financial emergency. If you are leaving within it means you have carefully channeled money into the right area that is Savings and Investments. Hence you are prepared for all contingencies. If at all there is an emergency just like and a medical expense you are all keypad out.
More disposable income
Leaving within your means doesn't mean that you give up on all the fun in life. In fact with the basics covered you have more money to spend on entertainment and fun. More over you don't even need too deep into your savings for it.
Now let us discuss how to stay within the limits of your bank balance?
Income pattern
Write down all the income sources in one diary. If your in all monthly income is variable then check your bank statement and draw an average. This average is your baseline. Now make firm resolution not to cross your take home salary or your average. In fact you must set a threshold below your baseline. At start set it up to 95% and then gradually decrease till 50 to 60% of your baseline. This threshold will help you to avoid unnecessary expenses beyond your take home salary or your baseline.
Study your spendings
Go back in the time and study your expenditure over the last few months. You can find your fixed expenses such as bills regarding electricity Internet phone monthly grocery gas petrol routine maintenance of your home and vehicles etc. This knowledge of your fixed expenses will tell you exactly where you need to eliminate costs.
Once you have analysed your financial that are a lot many weak points will spring up. You will be shocked to learn that you waste so much in a month without even knowing about it. Put a stop to it right there. It is one of the biggest steps of living within your means.
This is nothing but thinking twice before you purchase anything. Find out stores where you can find amazing deals on your day to day needs such as grocery and toiletries. Keep comparing rates and offers at stores around you as well as online stores. More you grab the offers more you can save.
Keep a diary
People who keep a diary are better money managers. Keeping a record of your daily expenditure will tell you just how much you have spent and how much is left in your bank account. This will allow you to tighten the reins on spending at the right time before it's all too late. This is also a good way of studying what percentage of your monthly money baseline goes into paying for the Essentials and how much goes into fun spending. Try to keep a track of everything in your diary.
Regular review
Take time out once a week to review your expenditure. Without a review you won't know when and how you crossed your baseline or the threshold you have decided. To leave within your means you need to be mindful of every penny you spend. You can also try breaking up the total amount you will be spending in a month into some Fixed installment say 4. Now use each installment weekly to take care of your expenses. Keep only that installment with you for the specified period and not more than that. This will keep you restricted to your budget.
Always remember living within your means is not at all that green as it first appears. Take it as a challenge and their yourself to beat it. Don't give up however impossible it might seem. Slowly slowly it will become your practice to live within your limits.
Thanks for reading till the end. You may also like my money related other articles. Share this with all having budget issues for day to day life. Also comment your experience on any of the point mentioned above.

कड़ाही छोले

सामग्री: दो कप काबुली चना, एक बड़ा चम्मच साबुत जीरा, एक बड़ा प्याज बारीक कटा हुआ, 2 बड़े चम्मच अदरक का पेस्ट, 1 बड़ा चम्मच लहसुन का पेस्ट, एक बड़ा चम्मच धनिया पाउडर, डेढ़ छोटे चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर, छोटा चम्मच लाल मिर्च पाउडर, हरी मिर्च लगाई हुई 2 मध्यम आकार के टमाटर बारीक कटे, स्वाद अनुसार नमक और तेल।
खास मसाला: एक बड़ा चम्मच अनार दाना, आधा छोटा चम्मच साबुत जीरा, 1 छोटा चम्मच साबुत धनिया, और दो सूखी लाल मिर्च।

विधि: काबुली चने को रात भर पानी में भिगोकर रखें और सुबह पानी में थार्ले ताजे पानी के साथ कुकर में उबालने के लिए रखें इसमें नमक मिलाएं एक चम्मच चाय पत्ती और आंवला की एक छोटी पोटली बनाकर इसमें डाल दे।उबालने के बाद पोटली निकाल दे ग्राइंडर में खास मसाला ग्राइंडर करें कढ़ाई में तेल गर्म करें इसमें साबुत जीरा भुनने फिर प्याज डालकर भूनें अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट धनिया पाउडर लाल मिर्च पाउडर हल्दी पाउडर जीरा पाउडर और खास पाउडर मसाला मिलाएं उबले चने मिलाएं नमक और गरम मसाला पाउडर मिलाकर धीमी आंच पर 5 मिनट तक पकाएं तड़का पेन में मिलाएं 1 मिनट तक पकाएं और छोले में मिलाकर पानी सूखने तक पकाए हरे धनिए से सजाकर परोसें।

एनर्जी फ्रूट शेख

सामग्री: एक अकेला, (एक चौथाई कप मिक्स ड्राई फ्रूट आडू, खजूर अंजीर, काजू, किशमिशज और बादाम) एक छोटा चम्मच सफेद तिल, डेढ़ कप बड़े चम्मच कंडेंस्ड मिल्क, एक छोटा चम्मच शहद, एक कप दूध, एक दुहाई कप आइस क्यूब, और स्वाद अनुसार चीनी।

विधि: मिक्सर में सभी सामग्री को मिलाकर शेक बनाए के गिलास में डालकर ऑरेंज चॉकलेट ले या मेवा से सजाकर परोसें।

Thursday 24 September 2020

वेजिटेबल सूप

सामग्री: दो आलू, चार गाजर, सौ ग्राम मटर, चार टमाटर, एक प्याज, थोड़े से हरे धनिए के पत्ते ताजा, एक टुकड़ा अदरक, 200 ग्राम लौकी, आदि पत्ता गोभी, एक शिमला मिर्च, 100 ग्राम पनीर, 50 ग्राम मक्खन, आधा छोटा चम्मच काली मिर्च पिसी हुई, नमक स्वादानुसार।

विधि: आलू, गाजर लौकी को छीलकर छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में कर ले मटर के दाने निकाल ले टमाटर प्याज अदरक पत्ता गोभी और शिमला मिर्च के भी छोटे-छोटे टुकड़े कर लें अब इन सभी सब्जियों को तीन गिलास पानी डालकर उबाल लें ठंडा होने पर मिक्सी में पीसकर छान लें अब इसमें नमक व काली मिर्च डालकर 5 मिनट तक उबालें सूप तैयार होने के बाद परोस के समय ऊपर से मक्खन डाले पनीर को कादुकास करके डालें हरे धनिए के पत्ते से सजाए।

Fried ice cream

1/2 littre valona ice-cream 
1/2 cup corn flower 
2 tablespoons refined flour(maida) 
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoons vanilla essence
1/4 teaspoons cinnamon powder
2 1/2 cups corn flakes crushed
4-5 walnut kernels, crushed
Oil to deep fry


September Current Affairs part 5

 Hello friends in this article's we are going to continue our current affair series.

1. Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Wednesday said that the state government has identified 37 lakh families which will start getting rations under Chief Minister’s Annapurna Yojana. "Every poor person will get wheat, salt and rice grains at Rs.1 a kilo," the CM added. "Right to food security is a basic right," CM Chauhan further said.

Important points- 1. Madhya Pradesh capital- Bhopal

2. Madhya Pradesh governor- Lalji Tandon

3. Madhya Pradesh is going to offer jobs based on  CET conducted by NRA. 


2.The construction of the 9.2-kilometre-long Atal Tunnel connecting Manali with Leh, the world's longest highway tunnel above 10,000 feet, has been completed after 10 years. "The estimated period for completion was less than six years but it was completed in 10 years," chief engineer KP Purushothaman said. The tunnel will reduce the distance between Manali and Leh by 46 kilometres. 

Important points- 1. Manali comes in Himachal Pradesh.

2. Himachal Pradesh Capital- Shimla (summer)Dharamshala (winter)

3. Himachal Pradesh Governor-  Bandaru Dattatreya

4. Himachal Pradesh CM- Jai Ram Thakur

5. Leh is a joint capital and largest city of Union Territory Ladakh.


3. Russia's Sovereign Wealth Fund said it will sell 10 crore doses of the 'Sputnik-V' COVID- 19 vaccine to Dr Reddy's Laboratories once it receives regulatory approval in India. It has also agreed to cooperate on clinical trials and the distribution of the vaccine with the Indian drug-makers. Russia claims Sputnik-V is the first Coronavirus vaccine to be registered in the world.

Important points- 1. Russia's capital- Moscow

2. India capital-  Delhi 

3. Russia's Sovereign Wealth Fund was established in 2008.


4. Exercising its Right of Reply at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Tuesday, India stated that Pakistan has 8 Prime Minister who proudly admits training of thousands of terrorists to fight in Jammu and Kashmir. India added, “Pakistan has been highlighted by international organisations as a country where journalists are slain and their killers go scot-free." 

Important points- 1. Pakistan's Capital- Islamabad

2. Pakistan's PM- Imran Khan 

Thanks for reading share this blog for more such informative articles.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

योगर्ट फ्रूट सलाद

सामग्री: एक कप कपड़े से छेना गाढ़ा दही, एक चौथाई छोटा चम्मच राइ पाउडर, एक तिहाई कप क्रीम स्वादानुसार नमक व काली मिर्ची, 2 छोटे चम्मच शहद, सजाने के लिए हरा धनिया बारीक कटा, एक बड़ा से चौकोर आकार में कटा सेब, एक बड़ी नाशपाती चौकोर आकार में कटी हुई, एक कप अंगूर, एक कप पपीता, चौकोर आकार में कटे 10 से12 चेरी, दो अनानास के स्लाइस, और एक टमाटर चौकोर आकार में कटा। 

विधि: गाड़ी दही में क्रीम नमक काली मिर्च राई का पाउडर चीनी और हरा धनिया मिलाएं सर्विंग दोष में फल मिलाएं सलाद ड्रेसिंग मिलाएं चेरी अनानास के स्लाइस से सजाकर परोसें।

Mixed fruit and carrot juice

Carrots, 2 medium, Sweet limes, 2 medium Musk melon 1/2, Apple 1 medium, Pumegranate pearls 1/4, cup Fresh mint leaves  few sprigs.

METHOD: Scrape the carrots and cut them into batons. Peel the sweet lime, seperate  segments and remove seeds,peel the and  chop  roughly chope apple.  Put all these ingredients one by one in the mixer and blend. Add pomegranate pears and pour into serving glasses.  Serve immediately gamiShed with a éprig of mint leaves. 

How the general lost his tooth

ONE day a Polish aristrocrat had a toothache and sent for the dentist. The dentist told him he would have to take out the tooth. As he was getting ready to extract it, the aristocrat saw a Russian general riding towards his house. 
Poland was ruled by Russia in those days and though the Poles were outwardly very courteous to them they considered the Russians dimwitted and pompous and lost no opportunity to humiliate them. 
When the aristocrat saw the general, a mischievous idea occured to him. He asked the dentist to go to the back of the house and wait there till he sent for him. 
The Russian swaggered in and the Pole received him with a great show of cordiality. After the men had talked for a while the Pole said to his visitor: “They say Russians cannot endure pain. Is it true?" 
“What nonsense!" roared the general. “Russians can bear pain as well as if not better than you people!” 
"We'll soon see," said the aristocrat and  calling to a servant asked him to fetch the dentist. 
When the dentist came in, the Pole said to him: “Pull out one of my teeth!" The dentist pulled out the tooth he had inspected earlier. 
“That was very well done." said the Pole. “And now the general would like to have a tooth pulled out too.” 
The Russian turned pale but he had the honour of his countrymen to uphold. He meekly opened his mouth and let the dentist pull out a perfectly good tooth. 

The fear of God

THERE were two brothers who were always up to some mischief. If somebody had been locked up in his house or  somebody’s dog had been painted green, one always knew who the culprits were  the brothers. 

One day the boys mother asked a priest to talk to her sons and put the fear of God in them so that they would mend their ways. The priest asked her to send her sons to him one at a time. When the younger boy, a tad of thirteen, came. he made him sit and asked him: 
‘Where is God?‘
The boy did not answer. 
The priest asked again, in a louder voice: ‘Where is God?”
The boy remained silent. But when the priest asked the same question a third time, the boy jumped up and ran away. 
He went straight to his brother. 
"We are in big troubie!’ he gasped
“What's wrong?” asked the older boy warily wondering which of  pranks had caught up with them. 
God is missing,’ said the youngstar “and they think we have something to do with it!” 

चना दाल पराठा

सामग्री: 500 ग्राम मैदा, नमक और लाल मिर्च पाउडर स्वादानुसार, 200 ग्राम तेल, एक दुहाई टीस्पून धनिया पाउडर, 250 ग्राम चना दाल, एक दुहाई टीस्पून गरम मसाला।

विधि: नमक और 2 टेबलस्पून तेल मैदे में मिला ले पानी मिलाकर इसे गूंद ले आटा थोड़ा मुलायम गुंदे चना दाल 6 घंटे तक पानी में भिगोकर रखें। इसे प्रेशर कुकर में एक गिलास पानी के साथ उबाल लें एक सिटी लगा ले पानी निकालकर दल को मिक्सी में पीस लें एक कड़ाही मैं दो चम्मच तेल डाल कर उसे गर्म कर ले दाल के मिश्रण को इसमें डाल दे 3:04 मिनट तक पकाएं इसमें सारे मसालों भी डाल दें जब पापड़ की तरह पतला बेले अब इसे सीख ले पराठा मुलायम रहे इसके लिए इसे परोसने के 1 घंटे पहले बनाएं इसे आलू दम मसाला चटनी और रायते के साथ परोसे।

पनीर पेड़ा

सामग्री: 1 लीटर दूध, 250 ग्राम पेढ़े, 150 ग्राम पनीर, चुटकी भर केसर, एक कप अनार के दाने, एक चम्मच इलायची पाउडर, काजू, किशमिश।

विधि: पाव कटोरी गर्म दूध में केसर भिगो दें अब सबसे पहले पेढे और पनीर  को कद्दूकम दूध को आधा होने तक पकाएं फिर उसे ठंडा कर दे ठंडे दूध पनीर पेड़ा केसर अनार तथा इलायची मिलाकर ठंडा होने के लिए फ्रिज में रख दें अब कटे काजू किशमिश से सजाकर परोसें। 

Kadhai paneer

500 grams cottage cheese cut into 1 inch triangle, 3 tbsp oil, 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves, 1 inch sticks cinnamon, 2 dried Red chillies, 2 tablespoons coriander seed Crushed.

Method: Heat oil in a kadhai and bay leaves, Red chillies, cloves, cinnamon, broken into two, and half the crushed coriander seeds souté for half a minute longer. Coriander powder, red chilli powder, and tomatoes. Cook over high heat until the oil separates and paneer, and salt and half a cup of water cook covered over low heat for 5 minutes serve hot, garnished with the remaining crushed coriander seeds. 

'What is an animal?' Animal World Part 1

Hello friends in now we are going to start a new series in which you will read about animals and it's name is 'Animal World'.

 Life is a very unique thing, and it is the only thing that makes our planet Earth different from other planets and without it our planet isn't so unique. The Earth has a diversity of living organisms from ants to whales, from rats to huge elephants, from a small plant to a huge tree there are a lot of organisms on the Earth.

Plants are stable and can not move from one place to another, while the animals can move to other places. The word animal comes from Latin word 'anima'. It means 'life' or 'breathe'. Animals and plants are play a very significant role in the ecosystem, while from the movement of animals we can easily differentiate between plants and animals, but there are other features of animals like- they eat food and they are capable of taking care of themselves.

But, the simplest animals are very similar to simplest plants. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between these two. 

So how can we easily differentiate between these two? We will discuss about this in it's next part, so stay tuned until then you can read our other articles.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

September Current Affairs part 4

 Hello friends in this article we are going to continue are current affairs series.

1. Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) has launched India's first airport COVlD-19 testing facility at Indira Gandhi International Airport for arriving international passengers with domestic connection. The test will cost Rs. 2,400 and results will be available in 4-6 hours. Those who test negative will be allowed for their onward journey and won't need to undergo any institutional quarantine

Important points- i. DIAL Establishment- 2006

ii. DIAL CEO- Videh Kumar Jaipuriar

2.  Moody's Investors Service has projected that the Indian economy will contract 11.5% during 2020-21 due to the impact of the lockdown and continued rise in COVID-19 cases. In July, it had projected that the Indian economy will contract 4% in the current fiscal. The rating agency said that India's debt burden will peak at around 90% of GDP in 2020-21. 

Important points- i. Moody's Investors Service provides international financial research on bonds issued by commercial and government entities

ii. Moody's Investor's Service HQ- New York, US.

iii. Moody's Investor's Service CEO- Raymond W. McDaniel Jr 

फन फ्रूट कबाब

 सामग्री: एक सेब, एक  केला,1/3 लाल बीज रहित अंगूर,1/3 हरे बीज रहित अंगूर, 2/3 अनानास के टुकड़े,1 कप, वसारहित दही, सूखा वा बारीक कसा नारियल

विधि: केले को छोडकर सभी फलों को धोकर छोटे  टुकडों में काट लें. केले का छिलका उतारकर उसको चौकोर टूकड़े कर ले. अब ताजा अनानास तथा सभी फलों के कटे हुए टुकडों को एक प्लेट में रखें. बारीक कसे नारियल को दूसरी प्लेट में रखे प्रत्येक फल के इन टुकडों को अपनी इच्छानुसार सींक में भर लें. फलों से भरी इस सींक को दही में डुबाकर लपेट लें. इसके बाद बारीक कसे नारियल में भी लपेटकर परोसें. यही प्रक्रिया हर बार दोहरा लें.  आप का फुट कवाब तेयार है. 

Of health and stealth

Kachu crow was sitting on a tree and eating fish that she had stolen from a fisherman when she Becoming aware of a quail moving on the ground below. Addressing the quail Kachu  said please stop while my friend. What is it asked the quail who was called Panchhi. I want to know something said kachu sadly. You it says and grass the simplest of. It you are so plump and help. I still delicacies like fish meat and fragrant rise from the wealthiest household. And never put on weight with health like you do. Why is that?
Without hesitation panchhi repliedIIIT simple food which I obtained through hard work without harming anyone. So I am content. You on the other hand it rich food. But you obtain it by stealing snatching or by using your coming. Once you get it you have to watch out for those who would steal it from you you are always very or fearful.
At that very moment and eagle swept down snatch the half eaten fish from kachu full stop hey cried kachu angrily give back my fish and flew off in percent of the eagle. And that's why you have no peace of mind continual panchhi. How can you have the glow of health if you are not content crow? but that kachu didn't even hear the question as she had fly away.

Monday 21 September 2020

Machine making for cow dung logs

Image result for Machine making for cow dung logs
Image Credit:

There is a machine for making cow dung logs. If at every cremation ground where dead body is burned, the stray cows who didn’t give milk are kept and the cremation ground is equipped with the same log making machine then it will help all of us as follows.
Very first it will give shelter to stray cows. Anyone who wants to donate ‘Chara’ (grass) can donate here. And the cows will get their respect of ‘Gautama’ in true respect.
As cremation ground authority will have to keep one person to take care of cows and collect cow dung and their urine, believe it or not cow urine has many benefits.
If the cow dung log is installed at cremation place then again they have to give placement to the operator of the machine which can be operated manually also.
If cow is present at funeral place then it can give its dung which can be molded into form of log. These logs can be used instead of wood for funeral. Keeping a cow at funeral can reduce the cost of transportation of the things. Say if it is Gaushala {cow shed} then you have to transport the cow logs from Gaushala to cremation grounds, which have its own cost.
Gaushala can make millions from cow dung logs from the old age cow’s dung. Give respect to the cows and this nature. Instead of wood insist for cow dung logs for funeral.
Thank you for reading share this article for saving nature, subscribe this blog. Comment topics.  

Exposing the thief

A crowd had gathered around two men Suresh and Ramesh who were arguing loudly over the ownership of a fine robust bold. viral Ramesh load well of Suresh was poorly dressed. People were unable to decide who was telling the truth. Just then Aushadha Kumar wise young man stepped out of the crowd and ask Ramesh you claim this is your Bull what do you feed in a treat it like it's a member of my family and give it Barley blackgram and sisme ladoos Kumar ask then to Suresh I take out to Grace so that it can feed on a variety of grass. I had taken it out to Grace today when I began to feel hungry. So I went a little distance away to pick some berries. When I returned I found my bull missing. After searching I found it with Ramesh. He is lying yelled Ramesh. Just then the ball dropped some dung Aushadha examined it and said there is no sign of black grapes Barley for sesame seeds. It's clear that it has been eating grass and her only. Releasing that he had been exposed Ramesh took to his heels living the Bull to its true owner.

Sunday 20 September 2020

Class 7 NCERT- Sanskrit Grammar: संधि (in Hindi) part-6

नमस्कार दोस्तो आज हम बहुत समय के बाद फिर से संधि पढ़ेंगे।

तो आज हम गुण संधि का विच्छेद करना सीखेंगे। पिछले भाग में हमने गुण संधि कैसे कि जाती है यह समझा था, तो का भाग में हम उसका विच्छेद सीखेंगे। 

हम यह जानते है की गुण संधि करने के बाद में हमें ' ए, ओ , अर्  ' कि मात्रा मिलती है। तो हमे उसी वर्ण से विच्छेद करेंगे जहा पर ए, ओ या अर् कि मात्रा हो। जैसे -

राजेन्द्र: = राज + इन्द्र:
= राज्  + (अ + इ ) + न्द्र: 
= राज् + ए + न्द्र=  राजेन्द्र:

इसी तरह -
१. राजर्षी = राज + ऋषी
= राज्  + ( अ + ऋ ) + षी 
= राज् + अर् + षी = राजर्षी

२. चंद्रोदय = चन्द्र + उदय:
= चन्द्र + ( अ + उ ) + दय: 
= चन्द्र + ओ + दयः = चंद्रोदय 

पढ़ने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

Saturday 19 September 2020

राजगिरीच्या पिठाच्या पुऱ्या

१) १ वाटी राजगिरा पीठ
२) १ छोटा बटाटा
३) उपवासाच मीठ चविनुसार
४) पाणी आवश्यक असल्यास
५) राजगिरा पीठ घोळन लावण्यासाठी
६) तेल तळण्यासाठी

Image result for राजगिरीच्या पिठाच्या पुऱ्या
Image Credit:

बटाटा उकडून घ्यावा.
एका भांड्यात पीठ घ्यावे.
त्यात थंड झालेला बटाटा सोलून कुस्करून घालावा.
या मिश्रणात चवीपुरते मीठ घाला
आवश्यक वाटल्यास पाण्याचा हपका मारून पीठ मळुण घ्या.
पाणी घालत असताना काळजी घ्यावी की कणिक जास्त पातळ किंवा घट्ट होणार नाही.
नरम होईपर्यंत पीठ छान मळावे.
१५  मिनिटे बाजूला करून ठेवावे.
या पिठाचे लिंबू एवढे गोळे करून घ्यावे.
एक एक गोळा घेवून थोडयाश्या पिठात घोळून घ्यावा.
पोळपाटावर लाटून त्याची गोल पुरी बनवावी.
तेल गरम करून घ्यावे एक छोटा गोळा तेलात टाकून पहवा जर तो पटकन वर आला तर तेल
तापले असे समजावे व पुरी तळावी.
पुरी तेलात टाकली की काही सेकंदानी झाऱ्याने थोडीशी दाबावी म्हणजे ती फुगते.
फुगली की लगेचच ती पलटावी व दुसऱ्या बाजूने ती तळुन घ्यावी.
अश्याप्रकारे सर्व पुऱ्या लाटून व तळुन घ्याव्यात
गरमा गरम सर्व्ह कराव्या

Beans and grilled vegetables

Black beans, 1 cup boiled and drained kidney beans rama 1 cup boiled and drained
 Garbanzo beans Kabuli chana 1 cup boiled and drained
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Onion one diced
Ground cumin one and half tbsp
Garlic 1 cup
Tomato puree 1 cup 
Dried oregano Indian spices one and half cup
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Salt ground paper / chilli powder to taste
carrot cabbage Red and green bell pepper broccoli cauliflower 1 onion all slides to big pieces 3/4 Cup each for grilling.

Method: combine all the vegetables lemon juice salt pepper 1 tbsp of olive oil, in a bowl,mix well and keep aside. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pot. Fry crushed garlic and onion till the colour is changed. And ground cumin, stir one and half minute add all the beans. Salt pepper / chili powder others species tomato puree cook for 10 to 15 minutes in Low fire, stirring In between add little bit of water if it is too thick. In the meantime arrange the vegetables pieces in a grilled or in a flat tawa. Keep to burn. Remove beans and grilled vegetables from the heat and arrange them in a plate. Serve hot with multigrain roti or multigrain bread. Grilled fruits such as mango peaches apple banana pineapple. Can be served side by side with the meal.     

cottage cheese paneer rice with spinach raita

(serves 2) Ingredients : 250 gms. home made cheese (paneer) out of fat free milk, small for,4 cups cooked Rice (good quality) tsp. Cumin Seeds 1 Green Chilly, split half_(optional) 2-3 Bay leaves (T ejpatti) ; 1 tbsp low fat oil 2 Cloves Garlic crushed Green Corriander chopped for garnishing 250 gms. Spinach washed, chopped and cooked % tsp. roasted Cumin Seed . powder . Salt, Sugar, Pepper to taste .g A pinch of Garam Masala 

1. In a bowl mix together cooked Spinach, 1 cup Curd, roasted Cumin powder, Salt,  Sugar, Pepper powder well until the Curd and Raita looks smooth. Cover and  keep in Refrigerator. 2. Heat oil in a pan, add Cumin Seeds let in splatter, add green chilly  (If using)  bay leaves, crushed Garlic, fry until light brown. Add Cheese (Paneer) pieces, Salt Pepper, Garam Masala, sautee for 2 minutes. Add Curd, stirring all the time, till hot. Slow down heat, add cooked Rice, mix well with light hand. Adjust Salt, sugar, cover the pan for 2 minutes. Remove the cover and mix the Rice again. Mix the chopped Green Coriander and put on the cover. Serve hot or room  temperature along with Spinach ‘Raita’. Clear Veg. Soup, using Vegetables of your liking, can be served with the meal.  

Friday 18 September 2020

अनोखे ढंग से महात्मा ने दीया मोह से बचने का संदेश

एक महात्मा क्रो संपांट्वेंत्त मात्र चार वस्तुएं थीं एक कंबल, चिमटा, तुंत्नी और लंगोटी । इन चारों वस्तुओं में कीमत की दृष्टि से सवांथिक मूल्यवान था कंबल, जो महात्मा को किसी भक्त ने दिया था। एक रात वह कंबल चोरी हो गया। दूसरे दिन जब महात्मा के भक्त उनकी कुटिया में आए तो उन्हें यह जानकर बड्रा दुख हुआ। उन सभी ने महात्मा क्रो दूसरा क्या लाकर देने , की बात कही, जिसे उन्होंने अस्वीकार कर दिया । उन्होंने कहा मुझे पता है कि वह कंबल कौन ले गया है? कहां है और कब मिलेगा? भक्त समझे कि महात्मा त्रिकालदर्शी हैं और उन्होंने चोर का पता लगा लिया है । उन लोगों ने महात्मा से प्रार्थना क्री कि वे चोर के बारे मेँ बता दें ताकि उसे दंड दिया जा सके। यह सुनकर महात्मा उठ खड़े हुए और भागने लगे । भक्तों ने पूछा कि कहां जा रहे हैं? वे बोले चोर क्रो पकड़ने जा रहा हूं। तुम सभी मेरे पीछे चले आओ । सभी भक्तों क्रो लेकर वे श्मशान में पहुंचे और धूनी रमाकर बैठ गए । भक्तों ने पूछा क्या चोर यहीं है? महात्मा ने उत्तर दिया एक न एक दिन वह यहीं आएगा। सारी दुनिया यहीं आती है । यही सभी की अंतिम मंजिल है । उनकी भी, जिनके मास क्रंबल है और उनकी भी, जिनके पास कंबल नहीं है। उसकी भी, जिसका कंबल चोरी चला गया है और उसकी भी, जिसने कंबल चुराया है । महात्मा की जात का मर्म जानकर भक्तों क्रो आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ । सार यह है कि मानव जीबन का अंतिम सत्य मृत्यु है। इसलिए किसी भी वस्तु के प्रति मोह नहीं रखना चाहिए, क्योकि मोह अंतत: दुख का कारण बनता है। 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Learned fools

A group of four freinds Ieft  hermitage after many years of study. They decided to use their knowtedge to earn their money. They embarked on their journey carrying the scriptures.
They reached a junction. As they stood wondering which need they should take. the funeral procession of a well-known merchant came by. It was being attended by many eminent people. One of the friends took out the shastras to find an answer to their question. ”The right path to follow is the path taken by great men.” the scripture said. 
So they foltowed the procession. At the remation ground. A donkey came and stood  them. One of them consulted the scriptures rich dectared, “A true friend Is one who bands by on a" occasions joyous or sad” they hugged the donkey and accepted him their companion. Then a camal came runningtowards them. Didn't the scriptures say, Righteousness Marcus rapidly?
They tied the animals together so that the camel would lead the donkey on the righteous path. The camel walked with them dragging the donkey along. It was then that the donkey's owner spotted them I and chased them angrily. The tour men ran for their lives and reached a stream on which was floating a holy peepat teat. 'Holtnese carries one across the river at lives.“ the scriptures said. So one at them jumped on to the teat and he drowned. 

Moral: Knowledge without wisdom to dangerous. 

The pot of gold

A leprechaun is a small eIf-Ilke creature in Irish folklore. It is believed that Ieprechauns guard hidden treasures, usually a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. ONCE. in rural Ireland, a man called Jack was walking through the wooded lanes. He caught sight of a leprechaun, who was trying to free himself as his green coat was caught in a thorn. 
“Ha! A leprechaun!” thought Jack gleefully. “Today is my lucky day.” . 
Jack sneaked up to the leprechaun, caught him and pulled him up. 
“Let go of me!” yelled the leprechaun. 
"Not until you tell me where you have hidden your treasure,” said Jack. 
Realising that it would be ' futile to resist, the leprechaun, whose name was Lucky, thought fast. “Alright.” he said at last. “Come with me” 

He led him to a vast open space full ollush green bushes. 

“Here,” sald Lucky, pointlng to a bush. 

Although leprechauns will try every trick to the book to fool humans, they are known to speak the truth and keep their word.  Jack believed him. He tied a red ribbon around a branch of that bush.. 
He said, “I am going home to get a shovel to dig up the treasure. Promlse me you will not untlethe ribbon in my absence.” 
“I promise,” sald Lucky. But when Jack returned wlth a shovel, he was dismayed to find a red ribbon tied to every bush in the field. That was how Lucky tdcked Jack without lying or breaking his word! 

September Current Affairs part 3

 Hello friends in this article we are going to continue our Current Affairs series.

1. A new species of gecko has been discovered in Kerala's Palakkad village, and scientists have named it Palakkad Dwarf Gecko or Cnemaspis Palakkadensis. "An average Palakkad Dwarf Gecko will be around 32.2 mm or 3.2 cm. It also has beautiful black and brown patches on its dorsal (upper) body and an orange shade on its chin or ventral part of its body," a scientist said. 

Important Points- i. Kerala Capital- Thiruvananthapuram

ii. Kerala Chief Minister- Pinarayi Vijayan

iii. Kerala Governor- Arif Mohammad Khan

Scientists discover new gecko species from tourist spot in Palakkad, name  it Palakkadensis | The News MinuteImage Credit- 

Image of the Gecko

2. Researchers have said over 50% of global phosphorus loss in agriculture can be attributed to soil erosion. They combined high-resolution, spatially discrete global data on the phosphorus content of soils with local erosion rate. They also studied elevated phosphorus content in waters in several regions and said the increase mirrored the loss of phosphorus in the soil in those regions. 


3. US-based rocket startup Astra's first orbital test launch failed during first-stage engine burn. The mission ended early because of unwanted back-and-forth wobbling in the rocket which caused an engine shutdown by the vehicle's automated safety system. However, Astra added the rocket "performed very well". The startup said it wasn't expecting to reach the orbit on this flight. 

Important Points-

i. Capital of United States- Washington D.C.

ii. Astra is a launch vehicle company situated in United States.

iii. Astra Headquarter- Alameda, California.


Thanks for reading share this blog for more such informative articles, and we are soon going to upload blogs which will be about important days which are celebrated everyday, it can be a collection of 3-4 days in an article.

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