
Friday, 30 April 2021

What are stem cells? - Random facts part-3

Do you know what are stem cells? Read this article to know what are stem cells, and what is their function.

Stem cells can easily called wizards of our body because they have a peculiar capacity [scientific word meaning to develop] to differentiate  into specialized cell. so these little fellows, if provided, with suitable conditions, can develop into any organ. They are found in bone marrow, blood from which they need to be extracted] and the most recently found source in the umbilical cord. Nowadays, stem cells are also artificial grown under controlled conditions. 

Stem cell technology is a beautifully engineered process, in which new stem cells are introduced into damaged tissues in order to treat the disease or injury. The ability of stem cells to renew themselves and thereby give rise to subsequent generations to, is used replace deceased and damaged areas in the body. The risks of side effects is minimal. 

This technology acts as a saviour in a wide range of issues from brain damage to spinal cord injury. It has emerged as a reasonable treatment for fatal problems of heart damage and the worldwide menace  of cancer. Researchers have successfully transplanted transplanted corneal stem cells into damaged eyes to restore vision. Even sell technology. For diabetic chocolate lovers, insulin producing stem cells would solve there problems.    

This technology will be helpful to us and will change the medical facilities in India and all around the world.

Thanks for reading share this article for more such informative articles.              

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Concentrate on your destination- Moral stories

On the best sunny day if we use the best magnifying glass and focus it on the paper it will not light up. But if we focus the paper on it then we can light up paper. This is the power of concentration. A man was travelling  and stopped at an intersection. And asked a elderly man, Where does this road take me? The elderly person asked, Where are you  The man said I don't know. The elderly man said, then take any of the roads you think. What difference does it will make, asked the man. 

How true, if you don't know where you want to go then take any road that you think is better than other roads. Imagine, if there is all the football play, ready, and then someone took the goal post. The game will be over. Enthusiasm without direction is noting. Goals give us a destiny that we want to reach. Would you sit in a vehicle without knowing where are you going.  

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Candle Moral stories

A man had a little daughter, the only child of his and the much beloved child. He live for her, she was his life. So when she became ill and her illness resisted of the best obtainable physicians, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and Earth to bring a new restoration of her health. His efforts proved fruitless, and the child died. The father was totally irreconcilable. HE shut him away from his friends. Then one night he had a dream. He was in heaven and witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a great endless line past the great line of great white throne. Every white robbed, angelic tot carried a candle. He noticed that the particular angel  did not have not a lit. The father asked that why your candle is not lit? The angel said  Father they often relight it, But your tears can relight it.  But then he woke up and. The lesson was crystal clear. From that hour he was no longer a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his little darling extinguisher by his useless tears.     

Friday, 23 April 2021

Small things are greater - Moral stories

 There was a man who sell balloons in funfairs. And if the business is down of the man, he launch a helium gas balloon that flies and flies and small kids attract to the balloon man, and the business is started again. One day a small boy came to the funfair where the balloon man was selling balloons. the boy asked of you throw a black balloon it will fly in sky. The balloon man said that, colour doesn't matter, what is the air in the balloon it matters. This is the same cycle of our lives. Attitude makes the people grow and grow. What is the difference between obstacle and opportunity? Our attitude towards it, if we think that the obstacle is opportunity and opportunity is opportunity, then every obstacle is nothing for us.  

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Bad luck or good luck- moral stories

 This story of an old farmer who had a horse for tilling his fields. One day the horse escaped, and ran on the mountains, the neighbors told the farmer that he escaped, over his bad luck. Farmer replied , Bad luck, Good luck Who knows? Then, when the farmer's son tamed a horse but he fell down, and broke his leg. Again some people tell the farmer about his son, but the farmer's reaction was bad luck, good luck who knows. Then some weeks later, the army came to see the village, the  army saw the farmer's son and the, farmer's reaction was the same that every time he had. 

Moral: There is nothing like bad luck, good luck, the circumstances is changing every time.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

The beggar - Moral stories

 Once there was a boy who was blind and he was a beggar and he had a hat which was his basket of the donation money, One day a man came and gave him some donations and took out some paper from his jab. and written something and, then went by, Soon the people walking by saw the beggar and the hat started filling up then that particular man came again at the evening, but this time the blind boy asked, who are you, and what words did you write on my hat, The man said I written, They were extremely fortunate because they were not blind, this is a blind boy please donate him some money so that he can get a better version of his eyes by doctors. Be thankful of what you have, be creative, be innovative and be positive. Don't regret of your past mistakes.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Noble dear - Moral stories

 Noble Deer 

ONCE upon a time there lived a noble deer. He walked with a gait that made all the animals bow to him. He was the king of the deer. Even the Jungle the lion respected him. One day, a group of traders lost their way in the forest. Distressed, and afraid they wondered what to do. When they looked up they saw the deer standing by. It beckoned them to follow him. They had nothing to lose, and followed him. The deer led them to the outskirts of a city and bounded. back into the forest. The leader of the traders was so impressed by the deer, that he felt the king thought to know about it. The traders went to the king and told him about the wonderful deer and his noble deed. The king did not listen to the words praising the deer's noble deeds. He just heard that they had found a wonderful deer. He decided to go and hunt the deer at once. Where he went into the forest with his soldiers, they saw the deer peacefully grazing in the meadow. He shot at the deer, which evaded the arrow in time. The deer gave the king a long chase. As the king chased the deer he went deep into the forest. The deer gave him the slip and was walking away, when it heard a, huge splash. It understood that the king had fallen into the watering hole while looking for him. The deer ran to him and lowered its strong antlers. The king held on to it while the deer pulled him out. The king was thankful and fell at the deer's feet totally ashamed of himself. It is said that the deer was a Bodhisattava an incarnation of the Buddha. If we could learn to be noble like the deer, and help even our enemies when they are defenses, are sure to gain friends for life. Help others. 


Monday, 19 April 2021

The apple tree - Kids story

A long time ago there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to play with it every day. He climbed up the tree, and ate apples of that tree, took a nap under the shadow. And so on. 

The time passed by and the small boy was now a grown up, and he had no time to play with the tree. Looking around for jobs. But he found no job so he came to his childhood tree, and asked for some suggestions. The tree said you can take my juicy apples to sell and my fruits are no longer in my use I can produce more and more apples. The time passed and passed. The tree was so weak to produce his fruits. and the the man had no source of money, So he started looking for jobs but For one month did not find any job and he is started running out of money. so he came back to the apple tree. Then the tree said you can take my wood to sell or you can make some precious items of wood that you can sell in high money. The man has no choice so he so cut the tree and make some luxurious items and sell it. After many years when he was old he came to the tree, and talked with him for some time. and his left stem he sat on him. \  

Sunday, 18 April 2021

सरल उधाहरण से गहरी बात समझाई स्वामी रामतीर्थ ने


भारत माता की जय मित्रों और सखियों!

आज आपके लिए स्वामी रामतीर्थ की कहानी लेकर आयी हूँ। २२ ओक्टुबर को उनकी जन्मतिथि है तथा १७ ओक्टुबर को पुण्यतिथि।  यह कहानी आप भी पढ़िए और आपके घर में जो नयी पीढ़ी है उन्हें भी सुनाइए। इससे दो फायदे होंगे - एक उनका और आपका रिश्ता नया रंग लाएगा और दूसरा उनका चरित्र निर्माण भी होंगा। 

एक समय की बात है उस वक्त स्वामी रामतीर्थ अध्यापन का कार्य करते थे। छात्रो को वे किताबी ज्ञान के आलावा व्यावहारिक शिक्षा भी देते थे। जो उनके लिए अत्यंत प्रेरणादायी थे। इसलिए छात्र स्वामी रामतीर्थ के पास बड़े मनोयोग से पढने आते थे। स्वामीजी छोटे व सरल उदाहरणोसे जीवन की महत्वपूर्ण बाते समझा देते थे। एक बार स्वामीजीने कक्षा शुरू होते ही श्यामपट पर एक लकीर खिची और फिर छात्रो से पूछा, "क्या तुममे से कोई भी छात्र इस लकीर को छोटा कर सकता है?"

एक छात्र तेजी से उठाकर श्यामपट के पास आया और उसने लकीर को मिटाकर छोटा करने के लिए हाथ बढाया तभी स्वामी जी ने उसे रोक कर बोले, "मैंने लकीर को मिटाने को नहीं बल्कि इसको छोटा करने को कहा।" यह सुनकर सभी छात्र सोच में पड गए, की आखिर लकीर को बिना मिटाए इसे छोटा कैसे करे? तभी स्वामीजी ने उसी लकीर के पास एक उस लकीर से भी बड़ी लकीर खीच दी। 

स्वामी जी ने पूछा, “पता है इस का गहरा अर्थ क्या है? इस का गहरा अर्थ ये है की जिस मनुष्य से आप कमजोर हो उस व्यक्ति को मिटाना जरुरी नहीं है उससे बड़ा बनना जरुरी है।”

कहानी यहाँ तक पढ़ने के लिए धनयवाद! अगर आपको कहानी पसंद आयी हो तो इसे दबाके शेयर करदो और एकबार कमेंट में भारत माता की जय कह दीजिये। अगर आपको स्वामी रामतीर्थ जी के बारेमे और जनन हो तो बिलकुल निचे कमेंट कर दीजिये। 


Saturday, 17 April 2021

मनावूँ शंकर सुत गणराज

जय गणेश सखियों! मारवाड़ी समाज में विवाह हो और गीत  संगीत न हो ऐसा हो सकता है क्या? आज आपके लिए गणेशजी का गीत लेकर प्रस्तुत हु। यह गीत राजस्थानी बोली भाषा में है और जब आप समूह में इसे गाएंगी तो बहुत अच्छा लगेगा  विवाह के शुभ अवसर पर आपके गणेश वंदन से सब कुछ मंगल होगा। आखिर गणेशजी मंगलमूर्ती है और विघ्नहर्ता भी है। 

मनावूँ शंकर सुत गणराज, करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज //टेक//

प्रभूजी तुम गौरी के लाला /

सोहे गल मोतीयन माला/

तुम हो मुझ पर असवार/

करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज//१//

प्रभूजी छत्र मुकूट शीर सोहे /

कानोमें कुंडल अती मोहे/

तेरी शोभा अधिक  विशाल /

करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज//२//

प्रभूजी थोर शिघ्र यह नारी/

दर्शन पावे दुनियाँ सारी/

तुम हो शंकर पुत्र दयाल/

करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज//३//

प्रभूजी मिश्री भोग लगावूँ/

अमृत जैसा नीर पिलावूँ/

तेरी लिला अपरंपार/

करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज//४//

प्रभूजी जो नर तुमको ध्यावें/

सो नर पाच पदारथ पावें/

पावें अन धन लक्ष्मी भंडार/

करो प्रभू शिघ्र हमारे काज//५//

अगर आपको यह गीत पसंद आया हो तो एकबार कमेंट में गणेशजी की जय-जयकार करें और इस ब्लॉग को ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें। धन्यवाद!

A samurai- Moral story

One day a leader of samurai went to a monk, and asked where is hell and where is heaven, and where are the gates of the two planets. That monk asked who are you? 

Samurai said: I am leader of samurai's, The monk said: I thought you are a beggar. The samurai got angry, and whipped his sword and the samurai was going to kill that monk, but then the monk said you have opened the gate of the hell, the samurai felt calm. And then the monk said, "Now you are calming slowly you have opened the door of heaven. Where are the gates the samurai asked, gates are inside you. You work choose what door is perfect for you if you are a samurai the world between hell and heaven is perfect for you, Because kill, to protect, killing is a bad work, but protect is good work. You do both.    

Friday, 16 April 2021

The fearless fool - Kids stories.

John was a fool but also a brave man the people talk about the fearless fool. John was looking for a job and, the Governor heard about John. He had the priest of town's local church, he decided to test his courage. The Governor called John. He told John that the priest was dead and you have to protect the body of the priest till morning, And if he perform well I will give you a job, and some money, John happily agreed. The Governor took him where the priest was lay down like a dead body. Then Governor left the church. John sat down and thought what it was a dead body or not. Looking over it in the mid night. The priest started laughing like a ghost. John said the priest to lie down and keep quiet, but the priest did not stop. Looking around John found a stick and said keep quiet or I will hit you. Lay down quietly for the rest of this night. The following morning when the Governor came, John was shocked and the priest stand up and greeted John. The Governor gave him a bag of 100 pounds and a job in army. 



Thursday, 15 April 2021

The truth - Moral stories

 Once upon a time there was a merchant and king were very good friends. The merchant business was of sandalwood logs. Once, it so happened that the merchant was unable to do business of sandalwood logs. He was very worried because of that so he thought if the king will die everyone will buy sandalwood logs from me because in this town this is the only sandalwood trader. And the King also had the same thoughts towards the merchant. If the merchant will die, as he has no son his all money will be add in the king treasure room. 

In this way they both have evil thoughts towards both. So they met and said the evil thoughts towards them, so they apologize. And The matter was over. Hence then they both realized. That they can think some positive ways of starting there business. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Son and father

Son took his old father to a restaurant, for a evening dinner.  The father was old so when he was eating some food particles. dropped on his trouser and shirt, everyone was watching the him. After the eating was finished. The son quietly took dis father towards washroom and washed the food particles completely, combed his hair, and went out of the washroom, and everyone was silent. The son settled the bill and went out of the restaurant, another old man came and said, Don't you think you have left something behind. 

The son said no sir, I don't think so. The old man said, Yes you have! You left a lesson for every son and a hope for every father. The restaurant went silent. To care of those who helped us in our childhood. To a kind smile, word and a think that we all know but we don't respect them. Respect them who was your protector your caring man. 

Monday, 12 April 2021

King and the merchant

 Once time, a king and a merchant were very pood friends. The merchant was a trader of aandalwood logs. Once, it #0 happened that the merchant was unable to sell any of his sandalwood logs for 2 to 3 years. He was very worried because of (hat, Fle knew that no one except the king will be able to buy Somalian sandalwood logs, as they are very expensive. He bad an evil thought about the king. He said to himself, “Tithe king dies, many sandalwood logs will be required lo perform bis cremation rites. Then, | shall be able to do good business,” 

On the other hand, even the king started to have negative thoughts about the merchant. He thought, “The merchant doesn't have any children. So, if he dies, all his wealth will be deposited in the royal treasury.” In this way, both of them started to have such evil thoughts about each other. 

When they met each other, both of them told each other about the cruel thoughts coming in their minds. What was the reason for the development of such negative thoughts about the merchant in the mind of the king? Actually, as the merchant had an evil thought in his mind about the king’s untimely death, a negative reaction to this evil thought erupted in the king’s mind. Hence, the king too had a similar evil though about the merchant's death. The merchant realised his mistake and asked for apology. 

He realized that instead of having sucha negative thought, he could have thought of a positive way in which his sandalwood logs could be sold; for example, the king deciding to make new sandalwood doors for his palace. - 

Sunday, 11 April 2021


Ramu received a car from his brother as birthday present . One day Ram came out of his office and saw a street urchin walking around his car, admiring it. Is this your car asked the boy. Ramu said it is my birth day gift by my brother. The boy said your brother really gave you that, It not cost you? Yeah said Ramu. Ramu know that he was thinking that I have also that kind of brother. Then the boy said I wish I have that kind of brother. 

Ramu looked that boy in astonishment, and asked do you like to take a ride on my car asked Ramu? 

The boy said "Yeah sure".  "The boy, his eyes aglow, said, "would you mind drive in front of my house. 

"Will you stop there where the two steps are?" The boy asked. 

He ran up the steps and took a crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom stem and pointed the car. 

" There he is, your brother. Some day I am going to give you one, then you can see things for yourself from the windows of mall. And then they did a memorable ride.        

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Generosity pays

 Croesus, the king of Lydia, was defeated and captured by by Cyrus, the king of Persia. Cyrus was much loved by his subjects but Croesus was opposite of Cyrus. After observing his generosity the Croesus remarked "If you keep your wealth giving away like this you will be poor. But if you save your wealth you will be earth's richest person. If during my entire reign, I had kept all my riches to my self how much wealth did you think I accumulated by now? Asked Cyrus.

Croesus named a huge sum. 

"Alright", Said Cyrus. I will send word to my subject them that I need to raise money for some purpose and you will see the response." 

Cyrus, servants delivered his words to his subject. After some weeks the Cyrus took Croesus to the room where the all donation money was. 

To Croesus amazement, there were piles of gold coins silver coins and some gold that was much greater than the sum Croesus said before some weeks. 

Cyrus explained, If you will not care for your subjects they will also not care for you. I cared about my subjects I got this wealth but if you ask for some donation they will not give you a single rupee. How much wealth could I save in my life? 


Friday, 9 April 2021

Value of weight

 A physiologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass everyone thought that, they did ask half empty or half full. Instead with a smile on her face he asked what is the perfect weight of this glass of water. Answer was 8oz.20oz. 

The absolute weight of this water dose not matter . It depends on how much time I hold it. If I hold he glass for a minute it is note a problem. But if I hold the glass for one hour my arm will have a ache in my arm. If I hold this glass for a day My arm will fill numb and paralyzed. In each case the weight dose not increase, but the arms feel tired, In short, The more time I hold the glass the more it will be heavier. 

She continued, The stress and depression are just like as thin glass. Think about your stress and it will be nothing, Think about the stress for a bit more and they will be paralyzed. 

It is important that throw your stress away. As in the future there will be new problems. Remember to put the glass down!   

Thursday, 8 April 2021

धर्म का सही स्वरूप बताया काका कालेलकर ने

  एक बार काका साहब कालेलकर अपने कुछ मित्रों के साथ ... बैठे थे। समय अंगरेजों की पराधीनता से मुक्त होने-के बाद का था। राष्ट्र की दुर्दशा के ज्वलंत प्रश्न पर सभी के मध्य विचार-मंथन हो रहा था। हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगों पर सभी चिंतित थे और सोच रहे थे कि समस्या का कैसे समाधान हो? तभी कहां काका कालेलकर का छोटा पुत्र आया और उनसे बोला - पिताजी, . ये मुसलमान लोग प्रतिदिन हिंदुओं को मार देते हैं। मुझे इन पर बड़ा गुस्सा आता है। क्यों न हम मिलकर इन्हें मार दें? बच्चे की बात सुनकर काका ने उसका समाधान करने के लिए पूछा - ठीक - है, लेकिन हम शुरुआत कहां से करें? चलो, इमाम से ही शुरू करते: हैं। यह सुनते ही बच्चां बोला - नहीं पिताजी, वह तो हमारे बुजुर्ग हैं। भला उन्हें क्यों मारा जाए? तब काका ने कहा - अच्छा चलो फिर अमीना को मार देते हैं? यह सुनकर बच्चा चिंतित होकर बोला - नहीं, नहीं अमीना दींदी को कोई नहीं मार सकता। वह तो मेरी बहन जैसी है। काका ने अब कहा - अच्छा फिर पड़ोसी हमीद “ की हत्या कर दी जाए। बच्चा चिल्ला पड़ा - हमीद मेरा दोस्त है। मैं हमीद की हत्या नहीं होने दूंगा। तब काका उसे समझते हर . बोले - बेटा, मुसलमान भी हमारे भाई हैं। जो लोग हिंसा करते हैं, ' बे न हिंदू हैं और न मुसलमान। वे तो गुंडे हैं और गुंडों का कोई  धर्म नहीं होता। जिस तरह तुम मुस्लिम भाई-बहनों की हत्या सहन नहीं कर सकते, उसी तरह कई मुस्लिम हैं जो हिंदुओं की हत्या * सहन नहीं कर सकते। अतः हमें सभी धर्मों कां आदर करना चाहिए। 

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

First things first

A physics teacher kept a jar on his table and filled the jar with rocks with he brought with him. When he had had put in all the rocks the vessel could hold, he asked the students if the jar was full. 

The students said: it is full. 

Teacher said no, it is not. 

Teacher then dropped a handful gravel in the jar and shook it and he gravel started filling the space between the rocks asked if it is full. 

Students said Yes, it is full. 

Teacher No, it is not full.

Than the teacher put a handful of sand and sand settle easily into the vessel . 

The teacher asked the same question this time But this time the class said maybe not, We don't know. 

The teacher said No, it is not. said the teacher ad poured a glass of water in the jar. 

So students what we have learnt from this. The class was quiet. The teacher continued, If we put big thing first in what is our storage we can add small things in the storage without losing anything. Imagine if we put all the small stuff first and then the big stuff what will happend.

The big rocks present the fundamentals of any subject for that matter. Once you are firmly understand the basics you can take a lot of information from the subject. Otherwise, you will end up with no knowledge of that subject and your time will be waste. So let us get down with the fundamentals and basics 

 xb bv  f

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

विश्वास से शिष्य भाग गया और संदेह से गुरु डूब गया

एक गुरु और शिष्य थे। गुरु परम ज्ञानी थे और शिष्य परम आज्ञाकारी। सभी स्तरों पर शिष्य अपने गुरु से ज्ञान ग्रहण कर रहा था। गुरु जैसा कहते, शिष्य वैसा ही करता। एक दिन शिष्य को गुरु ने बुलाया और अपने किसी काम से पास के गांव जाने को कहा। शिष्य ने तत्काल जाने की तैयारी कर ली। जब वह आश्रम से निकला तो मौसम बिल्कुल साफ था, किंतु नदी किनारे पहुंचते ही जोरों की बारिश शुरू हो गई। शिष्य को नदी  पार कर गांव पहुंचना था, लेकिन वह डूबने के भय से नाव में नहीं बैठा और वापस लौटकर अपने गुरु को पूरी बात कह सुनाई।  तब गुरु नें अपने शिष्य को हौसला बंधाते हुए कहा - तुम इश्वर पर भरोसा रखो। वे ही तुम्हारी रक्षा करेंगे और तुम्हें संकटों से बचाएंगे। शिष्य ने सदा की भांति गुरु की बात गांठ बांध ली।. इश्वर का नाम लेते हुए वह नदी पार कर गांव पहुंच गया। संयोग जैसे अगले दिन गुरु को भी उसी गांव आना था। जब वे आश्रम से निकलकर नदी किनारे पहुंचे और नाव में बैठकर नदी पार करने लगे तो गहरे पानी को देखकर उनके मन में विचार आया कि कहीं ऐसा न हो कि मै  डूब जाऊं और ईश्वर मुझे न बचाए। नतीजा यह हुआ कि बीच घाट में पहुंचकर वास्तव में नाव में छेद हो गया और उसमें पानी भर गया। गुरु पानी में डूबकर मृत्यु 1 को प्राप्त हुए। सार यह है कि संदेह डुबाता है और विश्वास । बचाता है। यदि हम शंका करते हैं तो परिणाम भी विपरीत होते हैं और विश्वास सदैव सकारात्मक फल देता है। 

Monday, 5 April 2021

'बहुत चंचल होती हैं मन कीआकांक्षाएं

एक कवि महोदय थे, जिनका नाम था बैरन। उन्हें जहां कहीं  सुंदर नारी दिखती, वे लोलुप निगाहों से उसे घूरने लगते। एक बार की बात है, बैरन एक सुंदर लड़की का बहुत दिनों से पीछा कर रहे थे। उनकी हरकतें कुछ इस प्रकार की थीं कि वह लड़की परेशान हो गई। फिर वह लड़की इन परेशानियों से निजात पाने के लिए बैरन से शादी करने को तैयार हो गई। लेकिन एक शर्त रखी कि इन हरकतों की पुनरावृत्ति मत करना। बैरन ने कहा, मैंने इतने सारे यत्न तुम्हें पाने के लिए किए थे, अब जब मैं तुम्हें पा चुका हूं तो फिर मेरे पास और कोई आशा शेष नहीं बची। . दोनों चर्च गए और पादरी के समक्ष विवाह कर लिया। जिस समय वे शादी करके चर्च की सीढ़ियां उतर रहे थे, उसी समय एक दूसरी सुंदर-सी लड़की चर्च के अंदर जा रही थी। बैरन अपनी नई नवेली पत्नी का हाथ छोड़कर तुरंत उस नई लड़की की ओर मुखातिब हो गए। उनकी पत्नी ने बैरन को उनकी शपथ की याद दिलाई। बैरन ने जवाब दिया - देखो प्रेयसी, यह तो तुम जानती ही हो कि मनुष्य ष्य का मन बहुत ही चंचल होता है। उसे जो नहीं मिला रहता है उसके लिए बड़ी आशा लगी रहती है। इंतजार और पीछा करने में जो आनंद था, उसकी सफलता यह रही कि . तुम मुझे प्राप्त हो गईं। अब मैं इस ओर से निश्चिंत हो गया, . क्योंकि तुम अब मेरी हो चुकी हो। कथा का निहितार्थ यह है कि जो वस्तु हमें मिल जाती है, उसकी ओर से हम निश्चिंत हो जाते हैं और जो चीज पहुंच से दूर रहती है, उसे पाना चाहते हैं.  

Sunday, 4 April 2021

मणिबेन ने बताया सद्गुण अच्छे व्यक्ति की पहचान हैं

 मणिबेन लौहपुरुष सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल की सुपुत्री थीं। मणिबेन अपने पिता की जी-जान से सेवा करती थीं और उन्हीं के समान बहुत निष्ठावान राष्ट्रभक्त थीं। भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में और आजादी मिलने के बाद विविध प्रांतों को एक कर राष्ट्र का एक सबल ढांचा खड़ा करने में सरदार पटेल की सशक्त भूमिका है। एक बार की बात है। सरदार पटेल अस्वस्थ थे। मणिबेन उनकी दवा आदि का ध्यान रखती थीं। एक दिन वे अपने पिता को दवा पिला रही थीं कि तभी वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी महावीर त्यागी अपने कुछ मित्रों के साथ वहां आए। बातचीत के दौरान उन्होंने देखा कि मणिबेन की धोती में जगह-जगह पैबंद लगे हैं। वे बोले - मणिबेन ! तुम एक ऐसे पिता की बेटी हो जिसने सालभर में इतना बड़ा चक्रवर्ती राज्य स्थापित किया है, जितना बड़ा न अकबर का और न अशोक का था। ऐसे बड़े सरदार की बेटी होकर तुम्हें पैबंद लगी धोती पहनने में शर्म नहीं आती? मणिबेन ने कहाशर्म आए उन लोगों को, जो झूठ बोलते, बेइमानी करते और शेखी बघारते हैं। मैं तो गरीब बाप की बेटी हूं। अच्छे कपड़े कहां से लाऊंगी। और हां, नैतिक दृष्टि से स्वस्थ जीवन जी सकें इसके लिए जरूरत है सच्चाई को पहचानकर अंगीकार करने की, जो मात्र सादगी रूपी परहेज से ही संभव है। मणिबेन के विचार जान महावीर त्यागी नतमस्तक हुए। वस्तुतः अच्छे व्यक्ति की पहचान उसके कपड़ों से नहीं, बल्कि गुणों व व्यवहार से होती है। इसलिए रहनसहन भले सादा हो, किंतु विचार व व्यवहार श्रेष्ठठम होना चाहिए। 

Friday, 2 April 2021

जब फ्रेंकलिन ने खरीदार सेसमय की कीमत ली

एक पुस्तक प्रेमी हर विषय की पुस्तकों की खोज में रहता था। वह अनेक दुकानों पर जाता और पुस्तकों को बारीकी से अवलोकन करता। एक दिन वह पुस्तक प्रेमी बाजार से गुजर रहा था कि अचानक उसे पुस्तकों की एक ऐसी दुकान दिखी, जिस पर वह पहले कभी नहीं आया था। वह तत्क्षण दुकान में प्रवेश कर गया और पुस्तकें देखने लगा। थोड़ी देर तक पुस्तकें देखने के बाद उसने दूकान के एक कर्मचारी से पूछा - इस पुस्तक की क्‍या कीमत है? कर्मचारी ने क्रहा  एक डॉलर। वह व्यक्ति बोला - : कुछ कम नहीं हो सकता? कर्मचारी ने स्पष्ट इंकार कर दिया। तब उस व्यक्ति ने दुकान के मालिक से मिलने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। मालिक के आने पर उसने पूछा - इस पुस्तक को आप कम से कम कितनी कीमत में दे सकते हैं? मालिक का उत्तर था -सवा डॉलर। व्यक्ति चकित हो बोला आपके कर्मचारी ने तो इसका मूल्य एक डॉलर बताया था। मालिक बोला - उसने ठीक बताया। बाकी मेरे समय की कीमत है। व्यक्ति ने अंतिम रूप से कीमत बताने को कहा तो मालिक बोला - अब देड डॉलर। आप जितनी देर करेंगे, उतनी कीमत बढ़ेगी क्योंकि समय का मूल्य भी इसके साथ जुड़ जाएगा। आखिर उसने डेढ़ डॉलर में पुस्तक खरीदी। उसे समय का मूल्य बताने वाले थे बेंजामिन फ्रेंकलिन जो बाद में अमेरिका के विख्यात राजनीतिज्ञ व दार्शनिक बने। दरअसल समये पर काम करने बांला सदैव प्रगति करता है क्योंकि वह प्रत्येक कार्य को सफलतापूर्वक करने के. सही समय से परिचित होता है. 

Thursday, 1 April 2021

भक्त दंपति ने पुत्र खोकर भी असीम धैर्य का परिचय दिया

एक भक्त परिवार था, जिसमें पति-पत्नी के अतिरिक्त उनका , एक पुत्र था। तीनों भगवान पर अटूट विश्वास रखते थे। एक बार पुत्र बीमार हो गया। उन्होंने बहुत उपचार कराया, किंतु वह स्वस्थ नहीं हुआ। इसी बीच पति को दूसरे शहर में किसी जरूरी काम से जाना पड़ा। उसने पत्नी के सामने चिंता जताई, किंतु पत्नी ने उसे आश्वस्त किया कि वह बेटे का पूरा ध्यान रखेगी। पति भारी मन से चला गया, किंतु दुर्भाग्यवश उसके जाते ही पुत्र का देहांत हो गया।' पत्नी ने धैर्य रखते हुए अपने बेटे के शव को ढंक दिया और शाम को जब पति के आने का समय हुआ तो भोजन बनाने लगी। पति ने आते ही पूछा - पुत्र की क्या दशा है?” पत्नी बोली - 'आज वह - पूरा विश्राम कर रहा है। आप भोजन कर लीजिए, फिर उसके पास जब पति भोजन करने लगा, तो पत्नी बोली - 'पड़ोसन ने मुझसे एक बर्तन में पानी मांगा था, जो मैंने उसे दिया। अब मैं अपना . बर्तन मांग रही हूं, तो वह दे नहीं रही है और मुझ पर रोती-चिल्लाती है।” पति ने कहा - “वह बड़ी मूर्ख है। दूसरे की वस्तु लौटाने में क्यों रोना?” तब तक पति भोजन कर चुका था। तब पत्नी ने धीरे से कहा - 'अपना पुत्र भी ईश्वर की धरोहर था। आज ईश्वर ने अपनीवस्तु हमसे वापस ले-ली है, तो हम भी क्यों रोएं?” पति ने पत्नी का मुंह देखा और सारा माजरा समझकर बोला - तुम ठीक कहती हो।' ' फिर दोनों ने धैर्यपूर्वक अपने पुत्र का दाह-संस्कार किया। कथासार यह है कि मानव-जीवन परमेश्वर की धरोहर है, अतः इसके छिन . जाने पर हमें अवसाद में नहीं डूबना चाहिए। 

Strategic Alliances

  Strategic Alliances -  For any achievement gone need the right person on your team.  Sugriv was very keen on this. Very first Sugriva was ...