
Tuesday 30 March 2021

मातृभूमि के प्रति सच्चा धर्म निभाया लक्ष्मीबाई ने

महारानी लक्ष्मीबाई के जीवन की एक घटना है जो प्रत्येक नागरिक के लिए राष्ट्र की सर्वोपरिता को रेखांकित करती है। महारानी और अंगरेजों में मध्य कट्टर शत्रुता थी। अंगरेजों ने महारानी को झुकाने के अनेक प्रयास किए, लेकिन देशभक्त महारानी को डिगा न सके। महारानी लक्ष्मीबाई का संकल्प था कि राष्ट्र के लिए प्राण दे देंगी, किंतु अंगरेजों के समक्ष समर्पण नहीं होंगी एक बार लक्ष्मीबाई और अंगरेजों की लड़ाई चल रही थी। अंगरेज महारानी के हाथों पराजित होकर अपनी जान बचाते भाग रहे भागते-भागते अंगरेजों को एक मंदिर a मस्जिद दिखाई दिए। अंगरेज उसमें जा छिपे, क्योंकि वे जानते थे कि मंदिर-मस्जिद हिंदुओं और मुस्लिमों के धर्मस्थल हैं, इसलिए वे इन्हें नष्ट नहीं करेंगे; किंतु रानी के एक मुस्लिम तोपची ने अल्लाह से प्रार्थना की-या अल्लाह! मातृभूमि की रक्षा के लिए तेरे पवित्र स्थान को ' नष्ट कर रहा हूं। यह कहकर उसने मस्जिद पर तोप दाग दी और अंगरेजों के साथ ही वह मस्जिद भी ढेर हो गई। अब तोपची ने तोप का मुंह मंदिर की ओर कर दिया, लेकिन मंदिर पर गोला दागने की उसकी हिम्मत नहीं हुई। पास ही खड़ी लक्ष्मीबाई तोपची का “मनोभाव भांप गई। उन्होंने स्वयं आगे बढ़कर मंदिर पर यह कहते हुए तोप दाग दी कि मातृभूमि धर्म से बढ़कर है। इस प्रकार मंदिर में छिपे अंगरेज मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुए। वस्तुतः राष्ट्र संदेव धर्म या संप्रदाय से ऊपर होता है। जिस राष्ट्र की मिट्टी से हमारा पालन पोषण होता है उसकी रक्षा करना हमारा सर्वोच्च दायित्व होता है। 

Monday 29 March 2021

good thoughts collection

1. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

2. When you feel like quitting, that's an opportunity to keep going.
3. When you feel like giving up, you have it in you to step forward with renewed energy and to give more.
4. There is a way to keep going and you know it.
5. remind yourself of all the good reasons why you have chosen to move forward and then get yourself going again.
6. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
7. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
8. A little knowledge about something is great, as long as you remind yourself you don't know everything about the subject.
9. Just because someone hurt you once, does not mean that everyone will hurt you.
10. The knowledge and information you collect is indeed valuable.
11. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.


Myself Rohini and I am an engineer and pursuing my Law degree. Reading, Blogging, Drawing and crafting are my hobbies. In my channel I am sharing videos about drawing, crafting, art and law as I am studying. Please subscribe to my channel and share this video. Also on my blogs I am sharing general knowledge, law notes, study material, vocabulary, bhajans, lokgits, moral stories, shayary, poems, stories, and much more which everyone should check.


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Marble tiles

In the middle of a beautiful city, there was a museum laid with beautiful marble tiles and a huge marble statue as a part of his display. Many people came from the world and visit the museum daily admired the statue of marble. One night the Marble tiles and statue started talking with each other.

Marble tiles: Hey brother do you not think that it is just not fair that everybody all over the world to see you only and not care for this tiles. 

Marble statue: My Marble brother do you remember that we are fro the same cave. 

Marble tiles: That is why I think that it is unfair. Both of us is born in the same cave and yet the world treats me as I am a not in existence.

Marble statue: Yes you are right my brother, But did you remember that day when you resisted the architect tools. 

Marble tiles: Yes I do, but how could I he use that nasty tools on me. 

Marble statue: Well since he gave up he tried on me and I know that what he will do when work on me is over it is good for me. 

Marble tiles: Now I know why everyone come from the world to see you. The harder it knocks the harder you go through in life, the more mistakes you do the more you learn. 

Sunday 28 March 2021

होली का दस्तूर!!


देहरी पर आहट हुई, फागुन पूछे कौन,

मैं बसंत तेरा सखा, तू क्यों अब तक मौन!!

निरखत बासंती छटा, फागुन हुआ निहाल,

इतराता सा वह चला, लेकर रंग गुलाल!!

कलियों के संकोच से, फागुन हुआ अधीर ,

वन-उपवन के भाल पर, मलता गया अबीर!!

फागुन आता देखकर, उपवन हुआ निहाल,

अपने तन पर लेपता, केसर और गुलाल!!

तन हो गया पलाश-सा, मन महुए का फूल,

फिर फगवा की धूम है, फिर रंगों की धूल!!

ढोल मंजीरे बज रहे, उड़े अबीर गुलाल,

रंगों ने ऊधम किया, बहकी सबकी चाल!!

कोयल कूके कान्हड़ा, भँवरे भैरव राग,

गली-गली में गूँजता, एक ताल में फाग!!

रंगों की बारिश हुई, आँधी चली गुलाल,

मन भर होली खेलिए, मन न रहे मलाल!!

उजली-उजली रात में, किसने गाया फाग,

चाँद छुपाता फिर रहा, अपने तन के दाग!!

टेसू पर उसने किया, बंकिम दृष्टि निपात,

लाल लाज से हो गया, वसन हीन था गात!!

अमराई की छांव में, फागुन छेड़े गीत,

बेचारे बौरा गए, गात हो गए पीत!!

फागुन और बसंत मिल, करे हास-परिहास,

उनको हंसता देखकर, पतझर हुआ उदास!!

पूनम फागुन से मिली, बोली नेह लुटाय,

और माह फीके लगे, तेरा रंग सुहाय!!

नेह-आस-विश्वास से, हुए कलुष सब दूर,

भीगे तन-मन-आत्मा, होली का दस्तूर!!

आतंकी फागुन हुआ, मौसम था मुस्तैद,

आनन-फानन दे दिया, एक वर्ष की क़ैद!!



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बंदी को छोड़कर एक मां का आदर किया नेपोलियन ने

 नेपोलियन के आदेशानुसार फ्रांसीसी सेना ने सभी ब्रिटिश जहाजों को पकड़ रखा था। उन्हीं जहाजों के बंदी नाविकों में एक नाविक लेनार्ड था, जो सत्रह वर्ष का था। दूसरे दिन इंग्लैंड से आया एक और लड़का पकड़ा गया। जब उसे लेनार्ड वाली जेल में बंद किया गया, तब उसने लेनार्ड को एक पत्र दिया, जिसमें लिखा था - “मां बहुत बीमार है। उसकी आखिरी तमन्ना तुम्हें देखनें की है। लेनार्ड तड़प उठा। उंसी रात वह जेल के सींखचे तोड़कर भाग निकला, किंतु थोड़ी दूर जाने पर ही पकड़ा गया। इस बार उसके पैरों में बेड़ियां डाल दी गईं, किंतु इस बार उसने जोर लगाकर बेड़ियां भी काट डालीं। वह फिर भागा और फिर पकड़ा गया। लेनार्ड तीसरी बार हिम्मत करके-फिर भागा, किंतु दुर्भाग्यवश पकड़ा गया। अगले ही दिन नेपोलियन जेल के दौरे पर 'आया। जेल अधिकारी ने नेपोलियन से लेनार्ड के बार-बार भागने की बात कही। नेपोलियन को उत्सुकता हुई। उसने लेनार्ड को बुलाकर पूछा - लड़के, ऐसी कौन-सी वजह है, जो तुंझे बार-बार भागने की हिम्मत बंधाती है? लेनार्ड-आंखों में आंसू भरकर बोला “श्रीमान, मेरी मां मर रही है, मरने से पहले वह मुझे देखना चाहती है।' नेपोलियन ने जेब से सोने का एक सिक्का निकालकर. लेनार्ड को दिया और जेल अधिकारी से बोला - इसे जाने दो। इसे. मां की ममता खींच रही है। मेरे जैसे सौ नेपोलियन भी इसे नहीं रोक पाएंगे। सार यह है कि मां का स्थान ईश्वर के समकक्ष है। ' उसे मान देना, ईश्वर का सम्मान करना है।

What are Nebula and neutron stars Random facts part 2

Have you ever heard about neutron stars and nebula, you have have heard neutron star in Avengers Infinity war. Do you know what these are really? If no then you have come to correct place.


Gigantic cloud of gas and dust, mainly of hydrogen and helium gases, in space. Astronomers believe nebulae to be nurseries of star. There are main 4 types of nebulae 

1. Planetary 

2. Reflection 

3. Emission 

4. Absorption

Neutron star 

Remnant of a massive star formed after a super nova explosion,. Neutron stars are the densest and smallest stars find by humans, measuring only 10 kilo metres across. It is tightly packed with neutrons.   


Saturday 27 March 2021

होली का दस्तूर!!


देहरी पर आहट हुईफागुन पूछे कौन,

मैं बसंत तेरा सखातू क्यों अब तक मौन!!

निरखत बासंती छटाफागुन हुआ निहाल,

इतराता सा वह चलालेकर रंग गुलाल!!

कलियों के संकोच सेफागुन हुआ अधीर ,

वन-उपवन के भाल परमलता गया अबीर!!

फागुन आता देखकरउपवन हुआ निहाल,

अपने तन पर लेपताकेसर और गुलाल!!

तन हो गया पलाश-सामन महुए का फूल,

फिर फगवा की धूम हैफिर रंगों की धूल!!

ढोल मंजीरे बज रहेउड़े अबीर गुलाल,

रंगों ने ऊधम कियाबहकी सबकी चाल!!

कोयल कूके कान्हड़ाभँवरे भैरव राग,

गली-गली में गूँजताएक ताल में फाग!!

रंगों की बारिश हुईआँधी चली गुलाल,

मन भर होली खेलिएमन न रहे मलाल!!

उजली-उजली रात मेंकिसने गाया फाग,

चाँद छुपाता फिर रहाअपने तन के दाग!!

टेसू पर उसने कियाबंकिम दृष्टि निपात,

लाल लाज से हो गयावसन हीन था गात!!

अमराई की छांव मेंफागुन छेड़े गीत,

बेचारे बौरा गएगात हो गए पीत!!

फागुन और बसंत मिलकरे हास-परिहास,

उनको हंसता देखकरपतझर हुआ उदास!!

पूनम फागुन से मिलीबोली नेह लुटाय,

और माह फीके लगेतेरा रंग सुहाय!!

नेह-आस-विश्वास सेहुए कलुष सब दूर,

भीगे तन-मन-आत्माहोली का दस्तूर!!

आतंकी फागुन हुआमौसम था मुस्तैद,

आनन-फानन दे दियाएक वर्ष की क़ैद!!



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Friday 26 March 2021

Show of Honesty

  A wealthy zamindar was entertaining his friend, while a man in saffron clothes came. "Forgive me for interrupting, but I am leaving a pilgrimage. I felt that it was my duty before I go", said the man. "Thank you for staying with us, I will miss your comforting presence". Replied the zamindar, but, "you are a sanyasi and I cannot stop you. Please come again." The sanyasi left and the zamindar told his friend how he had found the holy man sitting under the tree, in his fields, and had invited him to stay in the out house. 

The sanyasi returned a little later. 

"Sir I found this straw from the roof of your hut stuck in my hair." Said the sanyasi. "We sanyasis doesn't belong to us hence I came to give you."

"You are a mountain of virtue most revered sir!" replied the zamindar , touched by sanyasis honesty. 

The friend said after the sanyasi has went, " I somehow find his behavior strange." Zamindar asked, "Tell me you have entrusted something valuable to him?"

"I buried 1 thousand gold coins in the floor of outhouse for safekeeping." Dacoits are active in this area." 

"Let us go and check the gold is buried in the floor." Said the friend. The zamindar dug down at the same place where his friend buried coins but there was no coins. 

"Never trust a man who make a show of his honesty, said the friend. 

The man send his men, and the sanyasi was beaten up and, the zamindar got the gold coins. 


Starfishes - Moral stories

Once a man was walking along the beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and fourth between the surf's edge and the beach. Back and fourth this person went. As the man approached, he could see that there was hundreds of starfishes stranded on the sand as a result of the natural action in the tide. 

The man was stuck by the apparent futility of the task, there were far too much starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. He arrived, and the person was picking and throwing the starfish. As he came up to the person he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles in the beach and starfishes, you can not make a difference between them." The person looked at the man and throw a starfish in the sea, and said, "It must make a difference on that one! Many times we went lazy and don't make any of the efforts. Shun laziness. Do not find reasons to not make any effort. Every effort counts. Keep on performing, your good efforts will make some good reap fruits. 


Water stream - moral stories

One day the master was watching a practice session in the courtyard. He realized that the other boys was interrupting the young man when he reached at the perfect. The master can sense the young man's frustration but also, he can see the determination, Master went up and asked, what is the problem, I don't know said the youth, with a stained expression. No matter how far I reach I can't execute my moves perfectly, I don't have enough skills to master this technique. My child, you don't lack any skills, In fact, your determination to not give up, caught my attention on you. Before you master any technique you must understand harmony. Come with me, I will explain you. 

The teacher and the student leave the building until they walked some distance in the wood towards a stream, The  master said look at that stream, he said, There are rocks, in the way, Does it slam into them out of frustration?  Master said, It simply flows. Be like that water just flow and flow, and you will know what is harmony. 

The young man done the master's advice and in one week he mastered at that technique. 

Moral- To know what id harmony, just flow and flow. 

Thursday 25 March 2021

Meaning of peace

There was a king who offered a artist a big prize of money and said that make a perfect picture of peace. Many artist tried but they were failed. The King looked every picture that the artist made and liked 2 most . He had to chose one of them. The first picture had a peaceful lake with mountains around it and overhead there was blue sky and white clouds. Everyone who looked that picture he said that it was a perfect picture of peace. The second picture was fully opposite from the first one. But then he saw a detail in that there was a bush growing from a tone crack an there was a nest in that there was a mother bird who was siting peacefully and protecting his nest from the angry sky rainfall and etc. The king chose the second picture why?

The king said that the first reason is that in details you can see a mother bird is protecting his nest from the bad weather. And the second reason is Peace doe not mean a place where is no noise or no bad weather. Peace means to be in the midst of your heart, and your heart is calm. The real mean of peace is this.       

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Wit over Brawn

A tired dragonfly paused to rest on a branch of a tree, where too much monkeys are living. 

Monkeys shouted go away. I have been flying all morning. please let me rest. requested the dragonfly. We don't permit weaklings hear monkeys said. The dragonfly fly straight and tell his brother what Happened the dragonfly king. He said furiously we should do a war against monkeys and sent 3 soldiers to that tree with a letter challenging him for a war. The monkey king said that dragonflies can beat us hahaha tel your foolish king I accept his challenge. The next day monkeys came armed with sticks but the dragonflies was not armed the monkeys started attacking on them while the dragonfly was focusing on their head. Monkeys thought that the dragonflies are too small so they attack on them lightly. But the dragonflies were too fast and they run not getting any hurt and fly too far and the monkeys was chasing them but the monkeys get tired and stopped. The dragonfly king said that tell your subjects that don't judge power from size judge from their moves. and the second thing is "Remember mighty brawn is no match for nimble brain.          

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Criticism will not give you anything

Criticism of others will not gain you their willing cooperation. Genuine respect will. Forcing your viewpoint on someone else will not result in that person agreeing you. Seek instead to listen, to understand, to act with care and kindness, to earn and deserve that person's understanding.Every individual encounter has a unique perspective that is different than your own. At the same time, every person has something common with you. Effective, enduring connection happens when you do that work to reach where the second person is. That work consists of honesty, humility, respect and precision in your words, and generosity in your spirit. Every day, people from vastly different backgrounds, with widely varying perspectives, forge positives, fruity connections with each other. That's because despite their differences, they care enough, and are delegent enough, to find common ground and to build upon it.

Every person is unique, and that can be a powerfully good thing. Make the effort with that goodness, to understand, to cooperate, and help the world benefit from the astounding treasure of human experience. 

There are world to be imagined. Let them captivate you. There are discoveries to be made. Allow your curiosity to push them you constantly. 

Life is being newly in moment enjoy the freshness of that movement again and again. Today is a gift you have never been given. Explore, investigate, love, laugh, learn, build.                  

Monday 22 March 2021




समय का सदुपयोग ही उन्नति का मूल मन्त्र है .!


मदद करना सीखिये फायदे के बगैर .।

मिलना जुलना सीखिये मतलब के बगैर.।

जि़न्दगी जीना सीखिये दिखावे के बगैर .।

मुस्कुराना सीखिये सेल्फी के बगैर.।

और प्रभु पर विश्वास रखिये किसी शंका के बगैर।


पावों में यदि जान हो तो  मंजिल तुमसे दूर नहीं .

आँखों में यदि पहचान हो तो  इंसान तुमसे दूर नहीं .

दिल में यदि स्थान हो तो  अपने तुमसे दूर नहीं .

भावना में यदि जान हो तो  भगवान तुमसे दूर नहीं .


मनुष्य की चाल धन से भी बदलती है और धर्म से भी बदलती है.. जब धन संपन्न होता है तब अकड़ कर चलता है जब धर्म संपन्न होता है तो विनम्र होकर चलता है.. मनुष्य वास्तविक पूंजी धन नही, बल्कि उसके विचार हैं क्यों कि धन तो खरीदारी में दूसरों के पास चला जाता है पर विचार अपने पास ही रहते हैं


जिंदगी भले छोटी देना मेरे भगवन्.. मगर देना ऐसी -, कि सदियों तक लोगो के दिलों मे - जिंदा रहूँ और हमेशा अच्छे कर्म कर सकूं


क्यों गुरूर करते हो अपने ठाठ पर मुट्ठी भी खाली रहेगी जब पहुंचोगे घाट पर..


कब्रिस्तान में एक तख्ती पर क्या खूब लिखा था

पढ़ ले दुआ किसी के लिए

कल तू भी तरसेगा इसी के लिए


स्वभाव रखना है तो उस दीपक की तरह रखिये,

जो बादशाह के महल में भी उतनी ही रोशनी देता है,

जितनी की किसी गरीब की झोपड़ी में


जिन्दगी की हर सुबह कुछ शर्ते लेके आती है और जिन्दगी की हर शाम कुछ तर्जुबे देके जाती है '


जीवन भी एक वीणा के समान है। सब कुछ बजाने की कला के उपयोग पर ही निर्भर होता है। जीवन की वीणा तब ही झंकृत होगी जब हम दैवी गुण  (प्रेम, नम्रता, सहनशीलता आदि) अपने जीवन में अपनायेंगे।



Worth of labour

Vishnu was a lazy man. He idled away while his life worked hard to earn money. One day Vishnu was walking by a Temple when he spotted a Mango tree with juicy Mango's, the tree was in the land of Temple. But no one was around so he climbed the tree and plucked some Mango's and sell them in the Market. And the next day he took a basket with him and plucked whole Mango's that can came into the basket. And then Vishnu gave the loot to his Wife. The wife said that you will have a feast at the next morning . at the following morning the wife said if you will not clean the Temple the feast can do anything to you like giving you a decease and you will die from the decease. The Vishnu came to the Temp,e and cleaned the whole temple and cleaned whole Temple with no order.And then the the priest said gratefully that I will give you a regular job, and the Vishnu accepted it joyfully.  

Saturday 20 March 2021

The efforts

This is a Mexico story. Once there was a forest who was covered from fire and the fire as spreading and then a forest was burning and some birds started to find a lake and then they find  lake and started took water with their beaks. But then one owl said to that birds run and run save your lives. The birds answered we are saving your lives and what we can do to off this fire. And then the birds started took water and putting it on the fire and then some animals and then whole animals and then Humans.   


 1. As we get older our skin loses elasticity and produces less collagen.

2. Collagen is a fiber that gives skin more strength.

3. Less production of collagen leads to fine lines and wrinkle around eyes, mouth, forehead and neck.

4. Genes also play an important role in aging.

5. No smoking of tobacco also prevents formation of wrinkles.

6. Nicotine in tobacco products narrows the blood vessels in the top layer of the blood vessels om top layer of the human skin, which halts the blood flow. 

7. Due to narrow blood vessels blood flow rate falls resulting to many problems, which also includes formation of wrinkles.

Thanks for reading share this article with your friends and family.  

Broken pot - Stories

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of  a pole which he carried across his neck. One pot has a crack in it, and the other was perfect, when  the bearer came to sell water the the perfect one had full water, while the other have half. 

For 2 years this happened everyday, The good one was proud of his accomplishments, while the other was ashamed of him. One day, the broken pot asked to the bearer, "I am ashamed of my mistake, I apologize." Bearer asked why? "I wasted a lot of water, and I want to apologize for giving half full." The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, as we return to the master's house. I want you to notice the beautiful flowers around the path.  The bearer said "Did you noticed that only at your side the flowers are but on the other pot there are no flowers. Why? That's because I have always known about your flaw. So I planted some flower seeds on your path, and every day while walk back from the stream, you have watered them."


Friday 19 March 2021

Lessons in life

 When Chhavi, a 15-year-old girl, came to the school of her neighbouring town for the plus two education, her happiness knew no bounds. But this proved to be ephemeral. On the very first day when she was invited by the Principal to introduce herself before the students in the school morning assembly, she felt the sort of fear and frustration which she never had before in her entire life. She felt that her tongue had stuck to the palate.

She badly failed to deliver a single word before the august audience. Having returned to the dormitory, she plunged herself in great  depression and demoralisation. But this bout of disappointment did not last very long. Very soon she realised what had gone wrong with her. She swore that she would not give in so easily to this early failure. What she lacked was the self confidence of speaking in English before large gathering.

But her English teacher, who also happened to be her housemistress, considerably helped her to master the language and the art of public speaking. 

Good Thoughts - part 1 (Fear and action)

 1. We generate fears when we sit without any work, to overcome them we need to take action.

2. If you are sitting alone without any work for yourself you will generate fears, which will lead to evil thoughts and thus this empty brain/mind will become home of evil. Then evil actions will lead you to become a devil, so keep yourself in action, and you will become a human.

3. So always remember that- "You will keep yourself in work".

4. Choose to be genuinely happy and thankful for what you are, what you are doing, what you have and where you are going.

Thanks for reading this article, if you find it helpful then make sure that it reaches more people by sharing this on social media, and making people more active and making this world a better place to live.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Hearing problem- Moral Story

A man was f eared that his wife has problem to hear instead he didn't. He didn't know how to deal with this problem, so he called the family doctor. The doctor said that there was a simple eye test, that the husband has to tell about his wife's hearing loss. 

The test was stand 40 feet away from your wife and ask something if no response then came to 30 then 20 then 10 then 5 if no response. This evening the wife was making dinner. The husband asked, what's for dinner, no response, 30 feet what's for dinner? no response. Again in 20 feet. Now again with 10 feet. No response, now at 5 feet she said brinjal. 

Moral: Sometimes others doesn't have that problem that we think. so before blaming anyone, do some research. The problem today is that we come to conclusions, and don't research and recheck our thought about someone or something.



Once upon a time in Japan, a Samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a monk to ask him for his advice. When the monk had finished his prayers, the Samurai asked, “Why do I feel so inferior? I have faced death many times, and have defended those who are weak. Nevertheless, upon seeing you meditating, I felt that my life had absolutely no importance whatsoever.” 

 “Wait. Once I have attended to all those who come to see me today, I shall answer you.” replied the monk. 

The Samurai spent the whole day sitting in the temple gardens, watching the people go in and out in search of advice. He saw how the monk received them all with the same patience and the same illuminated smile on his face. 

At night fall, when everyone had gone, he demanded “Now can you teach me?” The master invited him in and led him to his room. The full moon shone in the sky, and the atmosphere was one of profound tranquility. 

“Do you see the moon, how beautiful it is? It will cross the entire firmament, and tomorrow the sun will shine once again.” 

“But sunlight is much brighter, and can show the details of the landscape around us: trees, mountains, clouds.” 

“I have contemplated the two for years, and have never heard the moon say: why do I not shine like the sun? Is it because I am inferior?” “Of course not.” answered the Samurai. “The moon and the sun are different things; each has its own beauty. You cannot compare the two.” 

“So you know the answer. We are two different people, each fighting in his own way for that which he believes, and making it possible to make the world a better place; the rest are mere appearances."  

7 wonders Moral stories

A 9 year old girl had finished his 4 th grade in a small village, for 5th grade onward, she was going to a school in a city, nearby.   She was elated knowing that she was accepted in a reputed school in the city. It was the first day of his school and she went the school excitedly. Then the bus reached the girl asked some fellow students, for her direction. Upon seeing him in formal clothes, and knowing that she was from a small village, everyone started making fun of her. The teacher reached soon and asked everyone to keep quiet. Teacher introduced the girl. 

Then the teacher told about a surprise test, write down the 7 wonders of the world. Everyone started writing quickly, but not the girl, everyone gave the paper to the teacher but the girl was not doing too quickly the paper, then the teacher asked the girl why you didn't submit the answer paper, Don't worry just write what you know. 

I was thinking that there are so much wonders in the world what wonder did I write, The girl gave the answer paper to the teacher. The teacher checked all the papers and everyone's paper was correct, But not of the girl. The 7 wonders are- to hear to see to feel to kind to love to laugh to think. Everyone was stunned because a village girl reminded the real wonders of our body.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

An Apple- Moral Story

 While shopping Ramlal saw apple for the very first time. So he asked the shopkeeper about the taste of the fruit. Shopkeeper denied to explain what is the taste of the fruit because the shopkeeper also had not tasted the fruit before. Ramalal decided not to buy that fruit, and so he walked towards a park. 

He entered in the park, he again saw apples in hands of people at the park. Ramlal saw everyone eating the fruit very happily, that's why he thought that they are red fruits which taste like a ripen mango, because mangoes also give happiness.

Then walking and walking he reached near a hospital, he saw people holding apples and were weeping, so he concluded that apple tasted like a sour mango. 

After this Ramlal was confused, about the taste of the apple, and this is the same case to many people. Either they are like the shopkeeper who didn't knew about the taste of apple and he didn't commented on the taste of the apple nor he told that he didn't knew the taste of apple. We should not be like Ramlal who concluded on basis of the facts present in front of him, but he didn't even tried the apple.   

Thoughts of great people- part 1

 1. I see drawings and pictures in the poorest of the huts and dirtiest of the places.

                                                    -Vincent Van Gogh.

2. Science has not yet taught us if madness is/is not the sublimity of intelligence.

                                                    -Edger Allan Poe

3. A goal should scare you a little but it should excite you a lot.

                                                    -Joe Vitale

4. Man is descended from a hairy, tailed, quartered, probably arboreal in it's habits.

                                                    - Charles Darwin

5. There is nothing, like a dream to create in the future.

                                                    - Victor Hugo

6. Misfortune dhows those who are not really friends.

                                                    - Aristotle 

7. I must create a system or be enslaved by another person.

                                                    - William Blake

8. Never apologize for showing feeling if you do so then you are apologizing for the truth.

                                                    - Benjamin Disrali

9. Don't use your powerful and beautiful creativity in making powerful and beautiful excuses.


Strategic Alliances

  Strategic Alliances -  For any achievement gone need the right person on your team.  Sugriv was very keen on this. Very first Sugriva was ...