
Saturday 31 October 2020

मिट्टी वाले दीये

Image result for मिट्टी वाले दीये
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राष्ट्रहित का गला घोंट कर
छेद न करना थाली में।
मिट्टी वाले दीये जलाना 
अबकी बार दीवाली में।
देश के धन को देश में रखना
नहीं बहाना नाली में
मिट्टी वाले दीये जलाना 
अबकी बार दीवाली में।
बने जो अपनी मिट्टी से,
वो दीये बिके बाजारों में,
छिपी है वैज्ञानिकता
अपने सभी तीज-त्योहारों में।
चायनीज झालर से आकर्षित
कीट पतंगे आते हैं,
जबकि दीये में जलकर
बरसाती कीड़े मर जाते हैं।
कार्तिक और अमावस वाली
रात न सबकी काली हो।
दीये बनाने वालों की अब 
खुशियों भरी दीवाली हो। 
अपने देश का पैसा जाए
अपने भाई की झोली में।
गया जो पैसा दुश्मन देश,
तो लगेगा राइफल की गोली में।
देश की सीमा रहे सुरक्षित
चूक न हो रखवाली में।
मिट्टी वाले दीये जलाना
अबकी बार दीवाली में। 

Pushkar Camel Mela

Pushkar is one the towns of Rajasthan, India. In this article you are going to read about the Kartik Mela held every year in the month of November every year especially after Dipawali.

Different names and information
Pushkar fair, Pushkar camel fair, Kartik Mela or Pushkar ka mela. It is annual multi day livestock (camels) fair and cultural treat is also part of this. This fair starts with Hindu solar month of Kartik and ends on Kartik Pournima - full moon day of Kartik month. As per christian calendar the fair overlaps October - November of every year. It is one of the largest cattle fair in India which leads to treading of camels, horses and other domestic cattle. During this fair as per Hindu belief bath in Pushkar lake is the ritual of getting rid on all bad things. Along with cooler atmosphere the fair has attractions of competitions like cattle races, tug of war, matki phod, dance competitions, longest mustache, bridal competition, and much more showing the cultural shades of Rajasthan. From Kartik Ekadashi (Devuthani Ekadashi) to Kartik Purnima are the peak celebration days. Many Hindus come to Pushkar to bath in Pushkar lake and worship Lord Bramha in temple. This fair is worlds largest camel trading fair.

Image credit: Maps of India

Geography of Pushkar
Pushkar is center-east part of Rajasthan. Aravali mountains are on the east side of the Pushkar. Sanganer airport, Jaipur is the nearest one at 146km. Reaching Jaipur by air or train is quite easy. Ajmer at 10km from Pushkar is nearest railway station.

Other attractions
If you want to attend Pushkar fair then you will enjoy a stay in old school camp type tents. These camps are having variety of non-luxury to high-luxury package. You can book these tents from your favorite travel website. 
You can enjoy most entertaining compositions, also watch and listen to India's famous fusion bands. Sunset safari is its kind of experience in Rajasthan.
At Shiplgram Handicraft Bazar you can shop for many accessories and other decorative things with a taste of Rajasthani culture.
Hot air balloon flight will give you pleasure of watching the aerial view of the fair. The booking can be done on the spot or advance booking is also available with your travel agent.

The term 'Pushkar' literally means 'to be born due to a flower'. It is stated in the Hindu mythology that once the deities released a swan with a lotus flower in its beak and made it drop on earth where god Brahma performed a huge yagna. The place where the lotus fell came to be known as Pushkar. 

Map Credit: Google maps.

Thanks for reading till the end. I hope this has given you pretty much knowledge. Other articles about Hindustan are also on this blog. You can read them also. Please comment any opinion below. If you want to know more about some other place in India then you can tell me about that in comment section. The requested subject article will be published in your service shortly.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

पापांकुशा एकादशी :

पापांकुशा एकादशी :
आश्विन मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी को पापांकुशा एकादशी कहते हैं। इस एकादशी पर मनोवांछित फल की प्राप्ति के लिए भगवान विष्णु की पूजा की जाती है। पापांकुशा एकादशी का व्रत रखने वाले व्यक्ति का सभी जाने -अनजाने में किए गए पापों का प्रायश्चित होता है। इस व्रत को करने से मन और आत्मा दोनों शुद्ध होते हैं। पापाकुंशा एकादशी एक हजार अश्वमेघ और सौ सूर्ययज्ञ करने के समान फल प्रदान करने वाली होती है। इस एकादशी व्रत के समान अन्य कोई व्रत नहीं है। इसके अतिरिक्त जो व्यक्ति इस एकादशी की रात्रि में जागरण करता है वह स्वर्ग का अधिकारी बनता है। इस एकादशी के दिन दान करने से शुभ फलों की प्राप्ति होती है। पद्म पुराण के अनुसार जो व्यक्ति सुवर्ण, तिल, भूमि, गौ, अन्न, जल, जूते और छाते का दान करता है, उसे यमराज के दर्शन नहीं होते। पापांकुशा एकादशी के दिन गरूड़ पर विराजमान भगवान विष्णु के दिव्य रूप की पूजा की जाती है।

Image result for papankusha ekadashi 2019
Image Credit: Jansatta

पापाकुंशा एकादशी की कथा :
प्राचीन समय में विंध्य पर्वत पर एक क्रूर बहेलियां रहता था। उसने अपनी सारी जिंदगी हिंसा, लूटपाट, मद्यपान और गलत संगति में व्यतीत कर दी। जब उसका अंतिम समय आया तब यमराज के दूत बहेलिये को लेने आए और यमदूत ने बहेलिये से कहा कि कल तुम्हारे जीवन का अंतिम दिन है हम तुम्हें कल लेने आएंगे। यह बात सुनकर बहेलिया बहुत भयभीत हो गया और महर्षि अंगिरा के आश्रम में पहुंचा और महर्षि अंगिरा के चरणों पर गिरकर प्रार्थना करने लगा। महर्षि अंगिरा ने बहेलिये से प्रसन्न होकर कहा कि तुम अगले दिन ही आने वाली आश्विन शुक्ल एकादशी का विधि पूर्वक व्रत करना। बहेलिये ने महर्षि अंगिरा के बताए हुए विधान से विधि पूर्वक पापांकुशा एकादशी का व्रत करा और इस व्रत पूजन के बल से भगवान की कृपा से वह विष्णु लोक को गया। जब यमराज के यमदूत ने इस चमत्कार को देखा तो वह बहेलिया को बिना लिए ही यमलोक वापस लौट गए।

Friday 23 October 2020

The secret of success

A Young man asked a Socrate secret of success.  Socrat told the young men to meet him near the river the next morning they met. Socrate aashiqui 2 the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to there neck Socrate took the young man by surprised and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but the Socrate was strong and kept him until the boy started turning blue
Socrate pulled his head out from the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air. Socrate asked what you want the most when you were there?
The boy replied air. Socrate said That is the secret of success. When you want success as badly as you wanted the Air then you will get it. There Is no other secret. 
The motivation to succeed come from the burning desire to achieve a purpose. Nepolion hill wrote. Whenever the mind of man can consieve and believe, the mind can achieve. A burning desire is the starting point of accomplishment.

Puzzles part 2 October

Guess the sequence 
Ashley is doing her homework math history science and English in what order did she did her homework.

Ashley did her science after math but before history she finished English before history and after science.

Answer. Math history science English
Same letters
The answers to this quiz are words that begin and end with the same letters.
1. Electric light 
2. Sour
3. Sound a bear makes
4. A flat, even surface
5. Opposite of low
6. A male chiken 
Ans. Bulb Tart Roar Level High Rooster. 
Chris and Kevin playing that's football against Peter and Dylan. Adowns were worth 7 points Chris and Kevin touchdowns and Peter and Dylan's team scored 9 touchdowns, how many more points did Peter and Dylan have than Chris and Kevin.
Ans. 14.

Thursday 22 October 2020

'Which came first plants or animals?' Animal World part 3


Hello friends in this article we are going to continue our Animal World series.


In the previous part you read-

There are many differences between animals and plants in various fields like movement, food, and survival/taking care of oneself, stimuli, skin and growth.


In this part you are going to read-

1. History of evolution of plants and animals.

2. Which came first animal or plant?



Have you ever wondered which came first into existence plant or animal, for which today you will get your answer.

When the Earth was formed there was no life on it. The surface of earth was extremely hot; there were volcanoes which threw hot rocks, dust and gases in the air.

As we have read that the first organisms were single-celled, they lived about 3 billion years ago. They had no bones or shells, so they were like worms and jelly fishes.

Then these single celled organisms modified and became multi-celled organisms. Time passes and they became more complex. This you are reading from the first part and are very general information about evolution of life.

One of the first plants were algae, then these plants became more complex and yes the formation of animal life came after the plants, as we know that the plants are Heterotrophs and depend on plants and other animals for food.

So, we conclude that the plants came first into existence and animals came later into the existence. But another question is that, from where did the life start land or water and why. So, stay tuned with us and in the next article.


Thanks for reading, share this blog for more such informative articles.





गुरु के विचारों को जीवन में उतारा गुरुदेव विद्यार्थी ने

आर्य समाज के संस्थापक स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती के भक्तों की संख्या अनगिनत थी पूर्णविराम उनके निकट शिष्यों में एक थे पंजाब से गुरुदेव विद्यार्थी। विद्यार्थी काफी लंबे समय स्वामी दयानंद के सानिध्य में रहे और उनसे काफी कुछ ज्ञान भी ग्रहण किया। स्वामी दयानंद को वे निजी तौर पर काफी अच्छे से जानते थे। जब स्वामी दयानंद का देहावसान हुआ तो उसके कुछ समय बाद स्वामी जी के ही किसी दूसरे शिष्य ने विद्यार्थी से कहा पंडित जी स्वामी जी महायोगी थे आपको उनके घनिष्ठ संपर्क में रहने का अवसर मिला है। इसलिए आपको उन्हें के विषय में विस्तृत जानकारी है। आप स्वामीजी का एक जीवन चरित्र क्यों नहीं लिखते विद्यार्थी  गंभीरता से बोले स्वामी जी का जीवन चृत लिखने का मैं प्रयत्न कर रहा हूं। थोड़ा बहुत आरंभ भी कर चुका हूं। उस विद्यार्थी ने बड़ी उत्सुकता से पूछा यह जीवन चरित्र कब संपूर्ण होगा कब तक प्रकाशित हो जाएगा विद्यार्थी भोले आप यह मत सोचो कि मैं कागज पर स्वामी का जीवन चरित्र लिख रहा हूं। मेरे विचार से तो महापुरुषों का जीवन चरित्र मनुष्य के स्वभाव में आचरण में लिखा जाना चाहिए। मैं इसी प्रकार का प्रयास कर रहा हूं कि मेरा जीवन स्वामी जी से पद चिन्ह पर चले। वस्तुत: किसी महान हस्ती के विचारों को अपने आचरण में जीना है उसके प्रति सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि होती है। यही अनुकरण संबंधित हस्ती के ज्ञान की ज्योति को अधिकाधिक लोगों में प्रसारित कर अनुयायियों परिष्का करता है 

Puzzles part 1 of October

Find the word
Each answer has ace in it. To find the answer read the clues and fill the blanks.
1.  Your eyes nose and your face are on _ace.
2. Don't forget to tie _ace on your shoes.
3. There is not enough _ _ ace to finish the story.
4. The king and queen live in grand ___ace.
5.  I am going to ____ace the broken TV with new.
6. You are going to ____ace yaar steps to find book.
And. Lace, Face, Space, Palace, Replace, Retrace.
Find the word
Which of the following words cannot be made from the letters in the word WATERMELON. 
1. Metal 2. Alone 3. Woman 4. Lemon 5. Motor 6. Towel. 
Ans. Motor. 

NCERT Notes for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 (full)


1. Plants are the only organisms which can make their own food by using simple substances like water (H2O) and carbon-dioxide (CO2).


2. Nutrition is mode of taking food by an organism and utilizing nutrients from food by body.


3. Some organisms make their own food, and these organisms are called Autotrophs (Auto=self and trophos=nutrition). They are also called the producers in the food chain.


4. Plants are Autotrophs and make their own food by photosynthesis. Animals and most of the other animals indirectly or directly depend on plants for food. These organisms are called Heterotrophs (hetero=other and trophos=nutrition)


5. As we know plants make their food by photosynthesis (photo=light and synthesis=to combine) and use some simple substances like Carbon-dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and many minerals which are present in soil.


6. The roots absorb the water and minerals from soil and they are transported to leaves through stem.


7. The stem transports minerals and nutrients from the roots to the leaves by small pipes called vessels, in dessert plants photosynthesis is done by the stem.


8. The leaves have small pores in them; these are called stomata and are surrounded by guard cells. They take carbon-dioxide from air.


9. The cells of a leaf have a green pigment present in them, this green pigment is called chlorophyll, and it helps the leaves to capture Sun’s energy to make the food.


10. The word equation for photosynthesis is-

Carbon dioxide + Oxygen        chlorophyll sunlight

= Carbohydrate + Oxygen.


11. If a plant’s leaves contain starch it indicates the occurrence of photosynthesis. Starch is also a type of carbohydrate.


12. You may have seen leaves of colours other than green, they also contain chlorophyll. There is just a masking of red, brown or other colour pigments which mask the green colour.


13. Algae are also an autotroph they also contain chlorophyll, and it also make food through photosynthesis.


14. Carbohydrates as its name are made with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; these are also used to synthesize proteins, vitamins and fats.


15. But proteins are nitrogenous substances which contain nitrogen. As we know there is almost 78% nitrogen, but plants cannot use this atmospheric nitrogen.


16. So, there is a special kind of bacteria which converts this atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form for plants and plants absorb this with water and minerals.


17. Farmers also spray some special type of fertilizer which contains nitrogen, to make soil rich in nitrogen.


18. Like buildings are made with bricks, our body is also made up of cells; we can say that they are building blocks of our body.


19. Some organisms are made up of only one cell; they are called single celled organisms. You can read our ‘Animal World’ series to know more about these.


20. But some organisms are complex and have a lot of cells in them, so let us know more about cell and let’s know its structure.


21. So let’s start with the cell membrane; each cell is enclosed with a thin boundary which is called cell membrane.


22. Then we have the nucleus. In each cell there is a distinct, centrally located spherical shape nucleus. The nucleus is surrounded with a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm. 


23. Some plants do not have chlorophyll, so they cannot synthesize their own food. They use heterotrophic nutrition to fulfill their demand of food.


24. Parasites are organisms which use a heterotrophic mode of nutrition and collect food from their host; sometimes parasites are harmful for the host too.


25. Mosquito is also a parasite, but you will read about it later. In this chapter we will read about a parasite which feeds on the plants.


26. Amarbel or Cuscuta does not have chlorophyll; it takes readymade food from the plant it is climbing.


27. Plants which feed on insects are called insectivorous plants. It has a pitcher/jug like part which is a modified leaf.


28. The leaf forms a lid which opens and closes as per the requirement. Inside the mouth of the pitcher there are hairs which are directing downwards.


29. When an insect land the lid closes and the insect get trapped in the hair and get digested through digestive juices secreted by the plant.


 30. The fungi absorb the nutrients from the food.


31. Saprotrophic nutrition is the mode of nutrition in which organisms absorb the nutrients from dead or decaying matter like rotten bread.


32. Such organisms which use Saprotrophic nutrition are called Saprotrophs. The fungal spores are present in the air and when they land on wet and warm place they germinate very rapidly.


33. Some organisms live together and share the shelter and nutrients. This relationship is called symbiosis.

E.g. certain fungus lives in the roots of the plant. The plant provides nutrients to fungus and in return fungus provide the plant with water and some nutrients.


34. In lichens there is an organism called alga, which contains chlorophyll and can perform photosynthesis lives with fungus which provides alga shelter, water and nutrients; and in return alga provides the fungus with food.


35. Ever thought why do farmers spray fertilizers in the soil? The fertilizers and manures which farmers put in their crop give the plants some essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus. Etc.


36. These nutrients are added to the soil after a period of time as the plants absorb the nutrients present in the soil, and soil becomes deficient of nitrogen and nutrients.


37. But there is a bacterium called Rhizobium, it can make atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form for the plants.


38. As we know fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamins, and vitamins are also nitrogenous food, so they also need nitrogen, and that’s another reason why farmers spray fertilizers.


39. The bacterium Rhizobium can’t make its own food but it lives in a symbiosis or symbiotic relation with the plant.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Job interview

Ernest Shackleton I was looking for crew who would sale with him to the South pole. His advertisement in London Times read as follows men wanted for hazardous journey. Wages will be low. one has to suffer bitter cold and long hours of complete darkness. Safe return is doubtful. On and recognition will follow in the event of success. Almost 5000 men lined up the next day hoping to be selected. This happened because many people choose to achieve even when odds are are facing them. That is immense courage to face adversity whenever necessary.  It is also testing ground of your fortitude and eagerness to overcome adversity! 

The king of fruits

Gopal Bhand had a large appetite and was not to eat enormous quantities of food especially when invited on to feasts. Vande zamindar decided to test his capacity and invented him to lunch. Gopal eat as much as three men would have done and then emmited a loud belch. Enough asked his host.
No place for even a grain of rice more a Gopal.
Just then a servant came in with the plate of mango slices mango exclaimed Gopal his mouth watering. Hi to the plate from the servant and it all the slices. Amazing said the zamindar. You said you did not have place for even a single grain of rice yet you ate almost 3 mangoes. How do you explain that? 
very simple said Gopal what happens when you walk into a crowded room everybody steps aside to let your royal person pass. Something similar happened here. The mango being the king of fruits all the food in my stomach made way for it.

The bussinesman and the little girl

Once there was a businessman who was on a long flight when the first warning that something was wrong came over the PA system. the pilot asked everyone to take their seats and fast in their seat belts. After a while another announcement came OVER THE PA the pilot calmly told the passenger that they would not be offering beverage and meal service due to unexpected turbulence on its way.
as the businessman looked around he saw some passengers becoming a little worried. Thunder could be heard all around the aircraft and lightning could be seen lightning up in the dark sky. within a matter of minutes the plane was being tossed around the passengers becoming fearfully alarm. Then suddenly he saw a little girl out of the corner of his eye. Apparently the stormont nothing to her. She had talked her feet beneath har as she sat On Harshit she was reading a book and everything within her small world was calm and orderly. Sometimes she closed her eyes then she would read again then she would straightened her legs but worry and fear are not in her world.
When the plane was being buffeted by the storm the little girl was completely composed andunafraid when the plane landed passengers hurried to get their stuff and get a full stop however this little girl set and calmly waited for everyone to exit the plane. The businessman decided to wait as well so he could talk to his little girl.
after having commented about the storm and the behaviour of the plane he asked why she hadn't been a friend. The little girl replied sir my dad is the pilot and he is stalking me home. 

संकट में भी ना टूटे संकल्प

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के मूल संस्थापक डॉ केशव रव बलिराम हेडगेवार किसी कार्य से एक बार कुछ साथियों को लेकर पड़ोसी गांव गए थे। शनिवार का दिन था। वह कार्य समाप्त होने में संध्या हो गई। यह गांव नागपुर से 32 मील की दूरी पर था पूर्णविराम रास्ता बहुत खराब था। पक्की सड़क से नौ 10 मील की दूरी पर इस गांव से डॉक्टर साहब निकल तो गए किंतु नागपुर कैसे पहुंचे यहां एक विकट समस्या थी पूर्णविराम उनका नागपुर पहुंचना जरूरी भी था क्योंकि उनका नियम था कि प्रत्येक रविवार कोप्रभात की परेड में नागपुर में अवश्य उपस्थित रहते थे। साथियों ने रात वहीं रुकने का अनुरोध किया किंतु डॉक्टर साहब अपना नियम नहीं तोड़ना चाहते थे। उन्होंने पैदल जाने का निश्चय किया अंधेरी रात रास्तों में कीचड़ और पैर में एक कांटा गहरा चुभा हुआ प्रोग्राम इतनी दूर की पैदल यात्रा डॉ हेडगेवार ने साहस और अडिग निश्चय के साथ शुरू की।अन्य साथी भी साथ ही थी पूर्णविराम उनके यात्रा आरंभ करते ही घनघोर वर्षा शुरू हो गई किंतु वे चलते गए। आखिर कुछ मेल पैदल चलने पर उसी रास्ते नागपुर जाने वाली गाड़ी लगभग 11:00 बजे रात को मिल गई। गाड़ी को चलाने वाला डॉक्टर साहब को पहचान कर गाड़ी खड़ी की और उन्हें साथियों सहित चढ़ा लिया। खचाखच भरी गाड़ी में पायदान पर खड़े होकर सभी ने सफर किया और अपने नियम अनुसार अगले दिन रविवार को डॉ हेडगेवार नागपुर में प्रभात परेड में उपस्थित हुए।

Tuesday 20 October 2020

आपके पैर दौड़तें हैं या आपका मन

उस बच्ची को पैरों में तकलीफ थी पूर्णविराम डॉक्टर के ते थे कि उसके पैर में एक मांसपेशी जन्म से ही नहीं थी। इसलिए उसे चलने के लिए थोड़ा ज्यादा प्रयोग करना पड़ता था। बावजूद इसके उसके उत्साह में कोई कमी नहीं थी पूर्णविराम ना तो वह अकेली रहती थी और ना ही उसे चुपचाप बैठे रहना पसंद था उनका एक दिन वह स्कूल से वापस आकर अपने पिता को बताने लगी कि उस दिन स्कूल में ढेर सारी खेलकूद प्रतियोगिताएं हुई और उसने उनमें से कोई स्पर्धाओं में भाग लिया। पिता अपनी बेटी की लाचारी के बारे में जानता था इसलिए जब बेटी दिनभर की गतिविधियों के बारे में बता रही थी तब पिता का दिमाग यह सोच रहा था कि कैसे अपनी बेटी को प्रोत्साहित किया जाए और यह बताया जाए कि छोटी-छोटी असफलताओं से जीवन में कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता। उसका अनुमान था कि पैरों से थोड़ी लाचार बेटी ने दौड़ भाग वाली स्पर्धाओं में हिस्सा तो लिया होगा पर वह सब में हार ही गई होगी लेकिन बेटी ने जब बताया कि 2 प्रतियोगिताओं में उसे जीत मिली है तो पिता की है रानी का ठिकाना नहीं रहा। फिर जब बेटी ने बताया कि उसे जीत इसलिए मिली क्योंकि पैरों में कमजोरी होने के कारण उसे विशेष लाभ मिला था तो पिता सोचने लगा कि उसे बाकी बच्चों से पहले दौड़ शुरू करने की छूट दे दी गई होगी हो या उसके लिए दूरी कम कर दी गई हो लेकिन एक बार फिर उसके आश्चर्य की सीमा नहीं रही जब बेटी ने बताया कि उसे क्या सौगात मिली थी। बेटी बोली मुझे झूठ नहीं मिली थी दरअसल मेरे साथ अच्छी बात यह थी कि मुझे चलने के लिए ज्यादा कोशिश करनी पड़ती थी इसलिए मैंने दौड़ने के लिए और ज्यादा कोशिश की और मैं जीत गई।

The scientific Enigma of Kanad

This is the story of Rishi Kannad who was a great scientist of ancient India and who first told that the universe is made of particles. In those days there was no other source of income for the ashrams set up by these Rishi so they used to beg for alms. S sach Rishi Kannad also did the same. Is used to say give me  alms in this form of particles.
King once did a big yagnya and distributed a lot of wealth among many sages. However Rishi did not accept the wealth. He continued begging alms. The king came to know about this. when he asked the reason Rishi Kannada applied oking I get a vast experience through this and the knowledge which I get from it is the greatest for me. But even after this explanation the king insisted him to accept the wealth. Kannada said if you really wished that I should accept your wealth give me to exactly identical the king thought it was easy thing to give. But when he searched for such identically similar things be found that this was totally and impossible task. Rishi Kannada humbled the king by his scientific Enigma.
Moral: some problems can be solved by intelligence.

A moment of reflection

There lived a poor farmer named Rohit in a small village. 10 year old Ramu was his only child Ramu mother had died when he was just a 6 month old baby.
The child had waste his days away with his friends. Through his father wanted passionately to educate his son the task was not so easy. Ramu would not take interest in studies. No he would listen to his father and teachers.
It was time to harvest the winter crop and Rohit it was very busy carrying grains on his head from farm to home he brought remote to the farm for some much needed help. Rohit said to his son help me carry this home bags on one by one. MI papa these bags are very heavy. I would not be able to perform there is difficult task. I cannot even move these bags they are too heavy to carry on the head Ramu said to his father meekly.
The farmer was not surprised to hear his sons frightened rejection and reply he said but my son this is the only job you are expected to carry out later in your life. If you cannot study seriously and sincerely then you will have to practice hard labour to eke about your living in the years to come. See how I can help you spend your life so comfortably, when I am so poor and uneducated myself?
The little boy was shocked to hear this something he had never thought of his father's was proved to be a warning Bell for the boy who got very frightened it was the turning point in his life. His eyes had now open to the bitter facts, and he has never neglected his studies since.
Time rolled by, and eventually, he crave up to be a handsome young man with postgraduate degree in English literature loved most. Also acquired a degree in education and pass the lecturer test, which enabled him to get the job of an assistant professor in a college of his own district his father's happiness new to bones when Ramu put his first salary into the hands of his father he could not believe his eyes seeing his son becoming so successful in his life that to with no one to guide him and without any adequate means of finance.
P it is said that life doesn't wait for a miracle not for any super natural phenomenon to bring about radical change or epoch - making revolution. Needs is a movement of serious thought and sincere reflection.

The porcupine tale

long long ago in some high mountain ranges lived the herd of porcupines the extreme climatic conditions started taking its toll and the herd foresaw danger of the timing of severe cold. Eventually, they decided to stay close to each other so their body heat would help combat the chilling cold. As they huddled together to keep warm one problem arose. They are sharp pointed quails peirced the nearest one and they begin founding each other. The group leader ordered the lot to stay away and mountain a safe distance to avoid personal injuries. But oven to the distance the severe cold ud affected them gravely and few weaklings breathe their last.
Finally, they decided to stay close as a flock despite the heart and the injury and the pain that it caused. After all Jaan hai to Jahan hai.

वामन का रूप

दानवीर राजा बलि का आप सभी लोगों में फैल गया तो अहंकार से चूर होकर देवों को बंदी बनाने लगे। उन्होंने अपने कारागार में लक्ष्मी जी तथा अन्य देवी-देवतओं को कैद कर लिया। धन-संपत्ति और संसाधनों के अभाव में पृथ्वी पर हाहाकार मच गया। तब कार्तिक के कृष्ण पक्ष की अमावस्या को भगवान विष्णु ने वामन रूप धारण किया और राजा बलि के पास दान प्राप्त करने पहुंचे। बली के पास धन प्राप्त करने पहुंचे। उन्हें देख पहले तो हंसे और फिर उनसे दार मांगने को कहा। वामन ने मात्र तीन पग धरती मांगी। बली को आश्चर्य हुआ। वे सोचने लगे जब मुख समृद्धि की इतनी चीजें मांगी जा सकती थी तब इसने तीन पग धरती ही क्यों मांगी फिर भी उन्होंने हंसते-हंसते उन्हें तीन पग धरती ना अपने को कहा। तभी वामन ने विराट रूप धारण कर लिया। उन्होंने अपने तीन पग में तीनों लोगों को नाप लिया। बलि को पाताल लोक में स्थान मिला। लक्ष्मी और अन्य देव और देवियों कारागार से मुक्त होकर शिरसागर पहुंचे और वहीं चयन किया। इसी प्रसंग को स्मृति में रखते हुए दीप पर्व मनाया जाता है। इसीलिए दीपावली पर लक्ष्मी के साथ कारागार से मुक्त हुए देवगन भी पूजे जाते हैं। लक्ष्मी के विश्राम के लिए घर को सजाया संवारा जाता है।

Monday 19 October 2020

Word synonyms part 1

 Hello friends, from today I am going to start a series in which you will find meaning of some words along with their synonyms.

In this blog we are going to read about-

huge, polite, poor, clever, quite, beautiful


1. Huge

It is an Adjective 

Degrees of Adjective- Comparative- Huger; Superlative- Hugest

Meaning- Very big

Synonyms- enormous, big, large, great, massive, gigantic.

2. Polite

It is an Adjective.

Degrees of Adjective- Comparative- Politer, Superlative- Politest

Meaning- having good manners and showing respect to others.

Synonyms- well mannered, gentlemanly, well behaved, gallant.

3. Poor

It is an Adjective

Meaning- A person who is lacking money.

Synonyms- Bankrupt, skint, craptastic, bad, unlucky, deficient.

4. Clever

It is an Adjective

Meaning- Able to learn, understand or do something quickly.

Synonyms- intelligent, smart, brilliant, educated learned.

5. Quite

It is an Adverb

Meaning- completely / very

Synonyms- rather, fully, very completely.

6. Beautiful

It is an Adjective

Meaning- Pretty or attractive

Synonyms- good looking, handsome, pretty, charming, pleasing.

Thanks for reading share this blog for more such informative articles. 


Motivational Blog

1. Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to it powers. Shirle Maclaine 

2. What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. Samuel Johnson.

3. He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little. Horace

4. First weigh the consideration, then take the risks. Helmuth von moltke.

5. The hatred you are carrying in your heart is live coal in your heart - far more damaging to yourself than to them.

6. The palest ink is better than the best memory. Chinese Proverb.

7. Real leaders are ordinary people with sextraordinary determinations. 

8. Make yourself necessary to someone. Do not make life hard to anyone. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

9. Anyone who limits her vision to memories of yesterday is already dead.

10. Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. Jules De Gaultier.

Thanks for reading this article. Share this article with your friends and family. 

Sunday 18 October 2020

Ramanuj and the Saint


Ramanujacharya was the disciple Shathakopa Swami. Swami had revealed the secret of God’s realization to Ramanuj and had warned him not to tell anybody about this but Ramanuj did not obey this order. He started giving away all the knowledge given by his Guru the path for God’s realization to the people, Swami got angry when he came to know about this  he called for Ramanuj and told him you are revealing the secret of spiritual practice by disobeying me. This is an adharma. This is a sin. Do you know what will the effect of it? Ramanuj said politely Gurudev by disobeying Guru the disciple will have to go to hell Gurudev asked in spite of knowing this why did you do this on purpose?

On this Ramanuj replied a tree gives everything it has got to the people. Is it ever selfish?

Whatever I did, I did it with the intention of betterment of  the people, people should also get the bliss of God- realization and for this, even I have to go to hell, I will not regret a bit.

The Swami was pleased seeing the intense yearning of Ramanuj of spreading the knowledge of spiritual practice for God realisation to the people. he blessed Ramanuj and sent him with great love with real spiritual god realization knowledge and practice among people. Ramanuj tried to spread the spiritual knowledge taken from his Guru.

October Current Affair Part 2

Hello friends in this article you are going to read about some important points on current news for NEET, India, IPL and many more.

1. NTA NEET results declared- Soyeb Aftab and Akanksha Singh score perfect 720/720.
・50% of Telangana  students who took the NEET have qualified.
・Full Form of NTA- National Testing Agency.
・Full form of NEET- National Eligibility cum Entrance Test

2. 'International Day for Eradication of Poverty' is celebrated on 17 October every year. 

3. Recently Jammu and Kashmir has announced 'My Town My Pride' programme.

4. Umar Gul, a Pakistani cricketer has announced his retirement from all types of cricket.
• Capital of Pakistan- Islamabad 
• Currency of Pakistan- Pakistani Rupee 
• Current Prime Minister of Pakistan- Imran Khan
• Current President of Pakistan- Arif Albi
• Line which divides India and Pakistan- Redcliffe Line

5. USA will land the first woman on moon.
• NASA is funding Nokia to bring 4G Network to Moon.
• USA's-
(i) Full Form- United States of America
(ii) Capital- Washington DC
(iii) Currency- US Dollars
(iv) Current President- Donald Trump
• NASA's-
(i) Full Form-National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(ii) CEO- Jim Bridenstine 
(iii) Established on- 1 October 1958 

6. Uttar Pradesh government has announced the launch of 'Mission Shakti', it is launched to spread awareness for the crimes done with women.
• Uttar Pradesh's-
(i) Capital- Lucknow  


NCERT Science Notes for Class 7 (Part 7) 1.5

 Hello friends in this article you are going to read about nutrients in the soil.


In the previous part you read-

1. Fungi

2. Symbiosis

3. Lichens

Link for the previous part-


In this part you are going to read about-

1. Different types of nutrients required by plants

2. What is Rhizobium?



1. Ever thought why do farmers spray fertilizers in the soil? The fertilizers and manures which farmers put in their crop give the plants some essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus. Etc.


2. These nutrients are added to the soil after a period of time as the plants absorb the nutrients present in the soil, and soil becomes deficient of nitrogen and nutrients.


3. But there is a bacterium called Rhizobium, it can make atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form for the plants.


4. As we know fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamins, and vitamins are also nitrogenous food, so they also need nitrogen, and that’s another reason why farmers spray fertilizers.


5. The bacterium Rhizobium can’t make its own food but it lives in a symbiosis or symbiotic relation with the plant.


Thanks for reading share this blog for more such informative articles.



Saturday 17 October 2020

NCERT Science Notes for Class 7 (Part 6) 1.4

 Hello friends in this article you are going to read about Saprotrophs.


In the previous part you read about-

1. Parasitic nutrition

2. Insectivorous plants

Link for the previous part-


In this article you are going to read about-

1. Fungi

2. Symbiosis

3. Lichens



1. Have you heard or have seen fungi growing on food? The fungi absorb the nutrients from the food.


2. Saprotrophic nutrition is the mode of nutrition in which organisms absorb the nutrients from dead or decaying matter like rotten bread.

3. Such organisms which use Saprotrophic nutrition are called Saprotrophs. The fungal spores are present in the air and when they land on wet and warm place they germinate very rapidly.


4. Some organisms live together and share the shelter and nutrients. This relationship is called symbiosis.

E.g. certain fungus lives in the roots of the plant. The plant provides nutrients to fungus and in return fungus provide the plant with water and some nutrients.


5. In lichens there is an organism called alga, which contains chlorophyll and can perform photosynthesis lives with fungus which provides alga shelter, water and nutrients; and in return alga provides the fungus with food.


Thanks for reading share this blog for more such informative articles.

Next articles-

1. NCERT Science Notes for Class 7- Chapter 1- part 6 (1.5- How Nutrients are Replenished in the Soil)

Date- 18/Oct./2020 


2. What came first into existence plants or animals? ‘Animal World Part 3’

Date- 20/Oct./2020


3. Full notes for Science Class 7 Chapter 1.

Date- 20/Oct./2020

Strategic Alliances

  Strategic Alliances -  For any achievement gone need the right person on your team.  Sugriv was very keen on this. Very first Sugriva was ...