
Sunday 14 June 2020

How to prevent viruses?

Virus prevention in ancient Hindu scriptures
This is just a beginning. The war is not yet started. Be prepared for anything. Mark my words - No GOD can save you from viruses. For, viruses are also part of Brahmam (Cosmos). It also has divinity in it. But you can easily prevent virus infection. How?

According to authentic Vedic scriptures, there are three major causes for the diseases: 1. Annarasaja (diseases come from food), 2.Dosham (Tridoshas as per Ayurveda, you know it) and 3.Krimijanya (diseases from pathogens and microbes).

Virus infections are Krimijanya. Krimi means worms, pathogens, and microbes. There are two types of krimis: (1) drishtah (that you can see with eyes or equipment) and (2) adristah (you can’t see even with an ordinary microscope). Those even could be virtual ones. Classical Ayurveda discusses about these worms and how to prevent it.

Elsewhere in the scriptures, it is mentioned that viruses come under the category of 'achethanam' (life but no consciousness) whereas a human is under chethanam (life with consciousness). As per Hindu scriptures, everything has life and the presence of divinity in it (Isavasyam idam sarvam).
As we have learned,  viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat. It develops 'chethana' the moment it gets into contact with a body with 'chethana'.

As modern humans, we inhabit the earth and destroy it for our pleasure. Similarly, a virus gets into our body considers it as just a host to inhabit and reproduce. Unlike humans, it doesn't consciously destroy the host. There are millions of viruses inside our body, happily living and co-existing. However, the body reacts to certain types of viruses only. When aggressive-reaction of the human body towards the external object creates the problem, we fall sick.

The Mahabharata Santi Parva Section XV says: "There are many creatures that are so minute that their existence can only be inferred. With the falling of the eyelids alone, they are destroyed."

Chhandogya Upanishad also discusses the birth of small creatures that live for a few hours and pass away. Their life is so short, of such an insignificant duration that one may say that they are born and then die. When you are seeing them being born, they are dead also at the same time. So short is the life of these creatures.

The entire universe has billions of viruses in it. You can't destroy them. They are much more powerful than human beings. They can mutate, become powerful and attack us again. So, the only way to survive is to prevent them from attacking us.

How to prevent viruses?

Simple - follow the Brahminical way of living. Excuse me, it has nothing to do with today's caste Brahmins! Brahminical way of living is irrespective of caste, sex, creed or religion. According to Upanishads, a Brahmana is who utters true speech, instructive and free from harshness and offends no one. A true Brahmin would tell the truth without reservation. A Brahmana (male/female) depends NOT on birth or lineage or family, but on just two factors - that is - Gyan (knowledge) and Tyag (sacrifice), says Gita.

Brahminical means just a scientific way of living with an understanding that everything is Brahmam (cosmos), which exists inside and outside. There is nothing other than Brahmam. It doesn't differentiate between humans and viruses. For Brahmam everything is inclusive. It doesn't destroy viruses to support human life. So please be aware that prayers won't work.

Hence, our ancestors have developed a way of life in tune with the Dharma of  Brahmam. We call it Dharmic way. (Dharma = duty, responsibility, right, and privilege together).

1. First and foremost: Get up at Brahma Muhurta (Some people call it Saraswati Yamam) - that's up to 48 minutes before Sunrise. After your daily routines, expose yourself to the rising sun and do Surya namaskar if possible. No one needs to explain the benefits of Sunlight.

Or at least do tharpanam - offering gratitude to sun or Gods that you believe. If you are non-believer, just be thankful for solar energy. According to Hindu scriptures, Surya is depicted as the destroyer of Krimis (pathogenic organisms).

2. After the bath, don't touch anyone and don't let others touch you. Hindus have been following this for the last 5000 years but the rest of the world or ignorant self-acclaimed pseudos abused it as "UNTOUCHABILITY". No one has the right to touch your body and you don't have the right to touch others. You called it as superstitious discrimination. Now you know the science behind it. Respect all saying 'Namaste', with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest.

3. Light lamp - after bath light lamp in front of your favorite God. If you are an atheist just light lamp. Preferably, use two wicks (spin) to light a lamp. Don't use stainless steel lamps, use Brass or Bronze lamp. If possible use ghee instead of oil. Agni (fire) by its intense power destroys organisms and other agents that are harmful to the body says our scriptures. In Yagna ingredients also, similar things are used which are capable of killing environmental viruses when burned. Dhoop sticks also contain the same properties.

Sun & Agni (fire) was described as an internal source of krimichikitsa (treatment for microbes), clearly says Ayruved (Herbal medicine), Aasthavangani (surgery and eight other ways of treatment), Aswinikumar Sanhita (Medicine), Brahatsanhitaa (treating the ill), Pushkal Sanhita (reason of getting sick of ill) and Dhanwantari Sutra.

4. Eat ONLY sattvik food. What's sattvik food? Broadly people say it is non-violent food, avoiding parts of a dead body, hence vegetarian food. (Remember, the moving species comes under Chethana and those which cannot move by itself is Achethana). However, Sattvik food is not just being vegetarian. It means freshly cooked (MUST consume within four hours after cooking) food, fresh fruits, and vegetables. That was real Brahminical food. The followers won't eat after sunset.

5. Perform a ritual called chitrAhuti before eating food. Those who are not interested in rituals don't have to go into more deep - just sprinkle water around our plate  ( or plantain leaves) before starting our lunch. If you are non-believer, its just to prevent insects and mainly ants coming on to the food plate. Also, drink a mouthful of water before eating.
Ritualistics believe “annam parabrahma swaroopam” (food is God's personification), hence pray for the well being of all those who provide us food (employer, farmer, etc).

6. From our childhood, we were not permitted to allow our lips to touch the cup or bottle from which we drank tea or water. To drink hot milk/tea/coffee from the glass without touching your lips, our ancestors were using brass/copper tumbler dabara set. We can pour tea/coffee bit by bit into the glass and drink easily without touching lips. We didn't know the significance then as there always had taboos about anything that may lead to the transfer of pathogens present in one's mouth to others. The taboos includes not sharing plates, not taking bites off each other's food. Now we know we have to follow these 'superstitions' strictly to avoid diseases.

7. In all Hindu houses, till a few years ago, people keep a big jar/ pot full of water or a pipe-outlet. We are supposed to wash our legs, hands, and face before coming into the house. It was mandatory. House is temple, they say.  Also, when a guest comes, after washing his/her legs and hands we welcome the guest putting a garland of Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves and flowers around the neck. Should I tell you the medicinal properties of tulsi leaves?

There are many pointers like this. Talk to your grandparents, they will tell you why is it important to be a Bramin in life (Again, it is not a caste or religion, it is just a way of living).
You will understand this clearly if you look into the full stanza of the most popular prayer called 'Shanti mantra' - lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu (meaning Let the entire world be happy). There are some pre-conditions to it:

The sloka as a whole reads as follows:
"Swasti prajabhya: paripalayantham nyayeana margena mahim maheesah
gobrahmanebhya shubamsthu nityam lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu
Om santhi, santhi santhihi"

Obviously, it says only if cattle and the Brahmins have well been forever, then all the beings in all the worlds become happy. It also says our Kings (the politicians and leaders) should be Dharmic. We all recite this mantra without knowing the full stanza.

Here, let me assert again, Brahmin is NOT today's caste-based community and Brahmin-hood is NOT as a hereditary vocation as found today. It is a position to be attained by your karma as mentioned above and the people of the entire world should live like Brahmins.

So, it is simple, live like a Brahmin and avoid caste, religion, race, and creed. Let's follow Vedic dharma which says "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" = the world as one family.  Let's care and share

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