
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Smart kingdom

In this article you are going to read some smart acts of living beings of this Earth for survival and safety.
The newly hatched chicks of the Cinereous Mourner of Peru have downy feathers with white tipped long orange barbs.
The nestling moves its head very slowly from side to side in a way typical of poisonous caterpillar nearby with similar size and coloration as the as the nestling. Thus it tricks predators into thinking that it is toxic, spiny caterpillar.
Even chickens exhibit intelligent behaviour within just a few hours of hatching. Newly born chicks are able to keep track of numbers up to five. When given a choice between two groups of plastic eggs they invariably choose the bigger one. Even when the decision was between two eggs or three. And
their mathematical ability does not end there.
The birds are born with an understanding of physics and particularly structural engineering.
It takes human babies two years to grasp the key concept that out of sight does not mean out of existence.
Chicks also show basic empathy and can plan ahead and exhibit self-control until the time is right.
For instance, birds quickly learnt that if they waited longer to start eating food, they would be allowed access to it for longer.
Hens just at age of two weeks they can navigate using sun, something that requires requires the creatures to take account of the height and position of the sun during the day.
Baby elephants spontaneously, without any training, get the gist of human pointing and can use it as a cue for finding food.
Elephants that were born or kept in captivity were the same as wild-born individuals when it came to following pointing gestures.
Elephants may do something akin to pointing as a means of communicating With each other, using their long trunk. Elephants do regularly make prominent trunk gestures and these motions may be "points."
Foals can get up and gallop in the first minute of life.
Whale calves can instantly swim With their pod.
Puppies understand social hierarchies within a few days of opening their eyes: “Who’s moving up or down the social ladder, arid who is sleeping with whom.”
Young bees can solve complex mathematical problems which keep computers busy for days. The tiny insects are able to calculate the shortest possible route between flowers discovered in random order.
Chimpanzees might do better at cognition studies if somebody tickled them first, rather than scaring them by separating them from their parents. Same applies to rats and fish. 

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