In this article here I am sharing a motivational paragraph from a newspaper column. In the end, I have enlisted some affirmations based on the article. Please read till the end.
If you want to add value to
your life then live your life with boldness and authenticity. Expect the best
for yourself, and fulfill that expectation with honest, effective efforts. Being
bold does not mean being a brute. You don't need to trample on others' life to follow your desires with boldness. Boldness may carry love and care. There
is more than enough abundance for everyone. Life affords plenty of space for
the fulfillment of every person’s own unique desires and dreams. You are here to
be you, so don’t be ashamed of that. Celebrate your uniqueness by expressing it
in ways that add new and compelling richness to the world. Every day delivers
fresh opportunities for you to show life how good it is to be alive. Do it with
kindness in your heart, with respect, love, and originality. The world is hungry
for the special value that can come only from you. Boldly and generously let it
flow. Start each day in the way you wish to live it. Take positive control of
your thoughts, your actions, your feelings, and your attitude before some random
occurrence ends up imposing its perspective on you. Be open to surprises
while also being decisive and focused on what you intend to do. Get a few
nice accomplishments under your belt early on. And set an effective empowering
pace for the whole day. Right away, find some new thing for which to be
thankful. Your sincere gratitude will shine its light on the best of the day’s
Affirmations for this article
1) I want to add value to my life so I live my life with boldness and authenticity.
2) I expect the best for myself and I do honest effective efforts to fulfill my expectations.
3) I am bold and caring.
4) I follow my desires with boldness and get respect from everyone around me.
5) I celebrate my uniqueness.
6) I am here to be me and I am proud of myself.
7) It is good to be alive and I love my life.
8) I do everything with kindness, respect, and love in my heart.
9) I start each day with a good wish that I want to come true.
10) I am having positive control of my thoughts.
11) I always control my thoughts, actions, feelings, and attitude with positivity.
12) I am ready for the surprises of life. But I am always focused on my work and on my goals.
13) I set an effective empowering pace for my whole day. And I get new things to be thankful for them at the end of my day.
14) I am thankful for everything which I got today for my better life and to get my goals to be completed.
Thanks for reading till the end. Pick at least anyone of the above affirmations and repeat it daily in your mind a minimum of five times for a week and you will find a magical change in your life. Please comment on your experiences below so that others will also get motivated. Your comments are helping hands for all the readers.
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